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Главная » 2022 » Январь » 15 » Youth on the Air camp to return in June
Youth on the Air camp to return in June

After a successful pilot camp program in 2021, the next camp for Youth on the Air (YOTA) in the Americas has been set for June 12 – 17, 2022. The camp will return to the National Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting in West Chester Township, Ohio.

The application period will open online on February 11. Eligible participants are amateur radio operators between the ages of 15 and 25. A total of 30 campers will be accepted. Some of the 30 spots will be reserved for campers who reside outside of the US but still in the Americas. Priority will be given to first-time attendees. Returning attendees will serve as camp leaders.

"We know that changes in the COVID-19 pandemic status between now and June will have an impact on hosting the camp,” said YOTA Camp Director Neil Rapp, WB9VPG. "Should we not be able to host the camp or need to reschedule, we will let everyone know with as much notice as possible.

Beginning in 2022, the camp will try to alternate scheduling each year between June and July. Rapp says the camp planning working group acknowledges that avoiding all scheduling conflicts isn’t possible, but hopes that alternating months will provide some diversity with school schedules, extracurricular activities, and major ham radio events.

Beginning in 2023, the location of the camp will rotate to various locations within the Americas. A system will be announced in which International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) member-societies and clubs will bid to serve as the host of the region-wide camp.

For details about the camp and/or to sign up for updates by email, visit the Youth on the Air camp website or contact Rapp for more information

Source: ARRL http://www.arrl.org/news/youth-on-the-air-camp-to-return-in-june

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