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Главная » 2022 » Январь » 7 » WIA Australia Day Contest
WIA Australia Day Contest

We are pleased to announce a new Contest on the calendar. The WIA Australia Day Contest on the 26th of January 2022.

This is a trial contest and has a few quirks.
The rules are derived from the RD so you can think of it as a Summer RD.

Alan VK4SN and I brainstormed the concept and presented it to the WIA board only last week. They were able to turn out the approval within days so positive was the feedback.

The nitty gritty - The Contest Rules are as per the RD BUT it starts midnight 25th January on the east coast and extends until midnight on the west coast. (Daylight Saving)

Dust of those fancy 2X1 Contest callsigns and be ready for a heap of different calls on the band - Remember any VK prefix call can take AX on Australia Day. We are also locking in Anzac Day April 25th for a repeat performance.

73 This has been Trent AX4T


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