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Главная » 2020 » Ноябрь » 8 » Scouts SA recognise amateur radio
Scouts SA recognise amateur radio

Richard Hooper, ZS6RKE has informed the SARL that Scouts SA have finally added the Amateur Radio Operator Badge to the Scout Interest Badges and Challenge Awards.

A Scout holding the Class B licence will be awarded the Amateur Radio Operator Interest Badge, while a Scout holding a Class A licence will be award Amateur Radio Operator Challenge Badge. Adult Leaders holding radio amateur licences will also receive recognition.

Nico van Rensburg, ZS6QL thanked Richard, ZS6RKE, Brian, ZS6BV and Dennis, ZS4BS for the valuable feedback on the badge requirements they provided. It has taken more than 7 years to get the amateur radio operators badge into the Scout Programme. It is hoped that more young people will be attracted to amateur radio through Scouting.


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