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Главная » 2021 » Сентябрь » 20 » New book for Yaesu owners
New book for Yaesu owners

New book - The Radio Today guide to the Yaesu FTDX10

Hi everyone, I am pleased to announce that the Radio Today guide to the Yaesu FTDX10 is now available from the RSGB bookshop, Amazon, and Amazon Kindle.

Learn about the FT8 Preset, dual receivers, SDR band scope, and the voice, RTTY, PSK, and CW message keyers and decoders. This book will help you get the most from this complicated transceiver.

The book follows on from the Radio Today guide to the FTdx101. But the FTDX10 is not just a cut down version of the bigger radio, it has unique features, and in some cases better performance.

The book has heaps of tips to help you discover new ways to use the radio. It is right up to date with the latest firmware release which added a couple of important new features.

Andrew Barron ZL3DW

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