You think things are improving then it all goes downhill. I thought Friday to Sunday would have been good with massive field day activity. But no, just Sunday was good. I heard nothing on Ten. Even on 20m I only heard 5 /P stations and none of them heard me. Best of the rest were, FY5KE (French Guiana, No FT8), TI200I (Costa Rica), YW200BC/1 (Venezuela), L21RCA (Argentina) and a few others.
The second leg of the SARL National Field Day runs from 08:00 UTC (10:00 CAT) on Saturday 11 September to 06:00 UTC (08:00 CAT) on Sunday 12 September 2021.
The aim of the Field Day is to work as many stations in Southern Africa as possible on all the HF amateur bands (excluding the 60, 30, 17 and 12 m bands). Phone, CW and any digital mode that can send the full exchange may be used. The exchange is the number of transmitters at your station, the Field Day operating class and your Provincial or country abbreviation.
You can participate as a Field Station, Multi operator; Field Station, Multi operator, QRP; Field Station, Single Operator; Field Statio
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Специальное мероприятие для любителей Саудовской Аравии
К тому времени, когда вы прочтете это, специальные станции 7Z91-й, 8Z91-й и HZ91ND будут активны в связи с празднованием 91-й годовщины "Дня объединения Королевства Саудовская Аравия" и "Национального дня Саудовской Аравии" (23 сентября).