HL Hunley Submarine commemorative station – N4HLHEvery February 17th will mark the anniversary of the sinking of the U.S.S. Housatonic by the submarine H. L. Hunley in Charleston SC.This is the anniversary of the first successful sinking of a warship by a submarine. The Trident Amateur Radio Club will be operating a special event station, N4HLH, on February 17th from Fort Moultrie, on Sullivan’s Island, SC. Fort Moultrie 1214 Middle Street Sullivan’s Island, SC 29482 
Proposed frequencies are 7.117(CW) 7.262, 14.262 and, for Technicians, 28.462 MHz. This is a special event station not a contest. To request QSL card send contact information to N4HLH / Trident Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 60732 N Charleston, SC 29419 A QSL card will be sent upon receipt of a SASE for US requests. International requests, please send SAE and $2 USD (2 Green Backs). Questions: Contact us at hunley@tridenthams.org or call 843.608.4780 E. Gordon Mooneyhan, W4EGM Public Information Coordinator South Carolina Section ARRL--the national association for amateur radio® Member, ARRL PR Committee
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