In Eire the national amateur radio society IRTS gives their members the choice of having their magazine as either a convenient PDF or in paper format
IRTS News reports:
More than a third of members are now receiving the society's quarterly journal "Echo Ireland" by way of electronic download instead of in paper form. This gives them access to the almost 100 issues of the journal from 2001 to date.
The downloads are in PDF form and are smaller files than the versions sent for printing, to allow rapid downloading on mobile platforms. Following a suggestion from a member, we have now added the high-resolution printer's copy of the journal as a download option: this is available on the download page for all issues from 2014 to date.
Members who are still receiving the society's journal in paper form may switch over to electronic download by contacting the Treasurer and Membership Records Officer, Dave O'Connor EI6AL, his email address is memrecords\at\irts\dot\ie