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Personal site of the amateur radio operator UR3LTD Web site UR7QM
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Главная » 2020 » Ноябрь » 8 » IARU coordinates frequencies for six satellites in October
IARU coordinates frequencies for six satellites in October

During the month of October the IARU coordinated frequencies for six upcoming Amateur Radio satellites:

OreSat0 (Portland State Aerospace Society at Portland State
University is a 1U CubeSat. The mission is to provide flight heritage to the "OreSat bus", an open source card-cage based system that is ideally suited for education CubeSat projects involving interdisciplinary teams of students. Downlinks on UHF using CW beacon, 9k6 G3RUH AX25/APRS packet beacon and a 96k GMSK engineering downlink. Also downlink on S Band using amateur 802.11b DPSK with 11M chip/sec spread and 1 Mbps data rate for bulk mission data. Downlinks on 436.500 MHz and 2425.00 MHz have been coordinated. Planning a launch with Momentus Space from Cape Canaveral in February 2021 into a 450 km polar orbit. More info at:
http://oresat.org/ and https://github.com/oresat.

TartanArtibeus-1 (Carnegie Mellon University) is a 1P PocketQube.
The Amateur Radio community globally will be provided with a delay ping-back service, allowing Amateurs to send messages, with replies from the satellite transmitted later. A UHF downlink using 3kbps FSK compatible with RadioHead library. A downlink on 437.170 MHz has been coordinated. Planning a SpaceX launch from KSC in December 2020 into a 550km SSO.

SATLLA-2 (Ariel University) is a 2P picosat that will take
low-resolution photos and will broadcast the photos over the Amateur Radio with its position in orbit and data from its sensors. UHF and S Band downlinks using LORA from 476bps to 9k6 bps. Downlinks on
437.250 MHz and 2401.000 MHz have been coordinated.Planning a SpaceX launch into a 410 km 52 degree orbit in December 2020.

+ CSIROSat-1 (University of South Australia & CSIRO) is a 3U CubeSat
mission that will perform hyperspectral infrared imaging of the earth for scientific research purposes. An experimental two-way link for Amateur Radio operators to exchange short messages through a ‘ping-pong’ arrangement of data exchange is among the several communications experiments. Proposing a 9k6 FSK downlink. A downlink on 437.315 MHz has been coordinated. Planning a launch from Cape Canaveral in March 2021 into an ISS orbit.

+ PyCubed-1 (Carnegie Mellon University) is a 1P PocketQube that will
test a novel 3-axis attitude control system based on magnetic torque coils. In addition, it will test new low- power LoRa radios in low-Earth orbit which will be of interest to many other Amateur Radio small satellite operators. Proposing a 3kbps UHF downlink. A downlink on 437.290 MHz has been coordinated. Packets are standard LoRa format and are compatible with the RadioHead library. Planning a SpaceX launch from KSC into a 550 km SSO in December 2020.

Grizu-263A (Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University) is a pocketcube
satellite with a digipeater mode that will allow forwarding of received messages back to earth to support communication between Amateur Radio operators. Proposing a UHF downlink using 4k8 FSK. A downlink on 437.190 MHz has been coordinated. Planning a SpaceX launch from Vandenberg into a 500 600 km SSO in December 2020.

Information on these and other upcoming satellites can be found at:


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