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Главная » 2020 » Ноябрь » 25 » Guidelines for operating a multi-station special event
Guidelines for operating a multi-station special event

By Dr. Michael K. Gauthier, K6ICS

Introduction --
It's always fun to work a special event where there is
more than one callsign, or the same callsign on several bands, required
to receive an award. For the award seeker, this brings out the excitement
of the chase. But many times, this excitement turns to frustration and
disgust when it is found that all the required contacts are not reasonably
available or even worse, they are not even on the air. Having been a ham
since 1954, I have participated in many special events as both the award
seeker and as the event operator. I have seen these problems too many
times. Fighting unexpected mishaps, band conditions, QSB, QRN, and QRM
is normal. Not having the special event stations working at their best
is tragic.

The Problem --
As an example of the problem, there are 5 stations to contact, over a 10-day period. You have worked 3 and realize that the other 2 you have not heard. Checking DX Summit and other spotting web sites you find that the 4th station you need has been on 160 meter SSB and 80 meter FT8 for about 4 hours over the past 4-days. When you check out the 5th station, you find no record of them even being on the air. RATS! That makes you feel good. What a waste of time.

Pre-Event Analysis --
* Do you have an event e-mail contact? Review e-mails several times
a day, minimum.
* Do you have a website? Does it contain ALL special event information?
* Review the rules and regulations of your event and award(s).
* What is the time period over which the special event will take
place? Does it conflict with other events?
* Planning the bands, modes, and times which will be best for the
maximum number of contestants.
* When event stations operators can only operate limited times or
bands. Add additional station(s) to cover open bands, modes, and
* Do you have backup operators?
* Emergencies: Power failures, equipment failures, operator illness,
and other problems.
* After the event starts you need to fine tune your analysis, based
on current operating conditions.
* Post-event QSLs and Award Certificates. Logging and reporting
contacts. QSLs, Awards processing, and Delivery. "Not in Log" and
other problems.

Recommendations --
* Use the "most active" bands: 80 Night, 40 Night/Day, 20 Day.
Other bands as open.
* Multiple stations using the same call on different bands and
modes, at the same time.
* Use all bands/modes, unless it is a single band/mode event.
* Publish typical operating schedule so the stations can be more
easily found.
* Suggest award seekers list contacts on DX Summit and other spotting
* Process all QSLs and award certificates rapidly.
* KISS - Keep it Simple Stupid.

Notes -
Be aware of band limits for all operators. Novices and Technicians are limited to CW only on a portion of 80, 40, and 15 meters. On 10 meters they do have CW, Digital, and SSB, but only a small portion of the band. General and Advanced classes have their own operating limits. Other countries have their own band limits.


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