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Главная » 2020 » Ноябрь » 12 » G2YT installs BOLPA
G2YT installs BOLPA

G2YT installs BOLPA

After being consistently ‘Out Gunned’ using his Ultrabeam 6el by Gary G0FWX who uses the InnovAntennas BOLPA (Band Optimised Log Periodic Array), Peter, G2YT decided to join the part and install the much shorter BOLPA Log.

The BOLPA has individual band optimised cells and a pair of tuned square boom feedlines optimised for a direct 50Ω feed point meaning no matching or transformers (and associated loss) is seen.

Extremely high radiating efficiency is the result and the band optimised cells deliver excellent F/B and gain for an antenna of this size

Peter has now clawed back the s” points difference there was between them previously and says he is ‘very impressed’ with the performance of the compact BOLPA long (boom just over 7m).

For more information on the BOLPA

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