The Steering Committee determined that after two years of offering the POC (Portable Operations Challenge) with about 18 entrants each year that it could not continue to put the resources into it. However, the Steering Committee continues to have faith in the concept and ideas embodied in the POC as a means to change amateur radio contesting for the betterment of all. Any group is welcomed to take the approach, methods and rules and use them as-is or with changes as desired. The POC should be retained although the endorsing body might add their brand as was the case with using this website’s brand, Fox Mike Hotel. The theory and operationalisation of the Portable Operations Challenge is detailed in the article by Frank K4FMH in the National Contesting Journal in the Sept/Oct issue, 2021. NCJ is free as a digital download to all ARRL members. Good contacts and 73 to everyone who participated in the Fox Mike Hotel Portable Operations Challenge in 2020 and 2021! Frank K4FMH • Our thanks to Ed DD5LP for the above information Поделитесь этой страницей
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