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Главная » 2021 » Сентябрь » 14 » Conway Reef one man DXpedition
Conway Reef one man DXpedition

Dom, 3Z9DX (aka-3D2USU), member of the Rebel DX Group, announced that he has finally received the Navy's permission to leave the main island of Viti Levu, and will be planning a one man DXpedition (due to the Covid and travel restrictions) to Conway Reef for about 10 days.

He will set sail around September 15-17th. It is about 2 days sail from Fiji and 1 day to set the camp. So activity could start around September 17th signing as 3D2CR. He states on QRZ.com, "Fiji is still under 'No Tourism - no visitors' rules."

Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and FT8/FT4.

Suggested frequencies are:
CW - 1822, 3502, 7002, 10106, 14002, 18072, 21002, 24892 and 28002 kHz
SSB - 3785, 7090, 14190, 18140, 21200, 24940 and 28440 kHz
FT8 - 1840, 3573, 7074, 10136, 14074, 18100, 21074, 24915 and 28074 kHz
FT8(F&H) - 1840, 3567, 7056, 10131, 14090, 18095, 21091, 24911 and 28091 kHz
FT4 - 3575, 7047.5, 10140, 14080, 18104, 21140, 24919 and 28180 kHz
6m - 50105/CW, 50140/SSB and 50313/FT8

Dom also states on QRZ.com, "There will be NO internet conection, NO log online, NO QSO's request, NO cluster readings. All log mistakes will be checked when back to Fiji Main island after the trip." No QSL route
has been announced. Most likely it will be ClubLog's OQRS.


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