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Главная » 2022 » Январь » 15 » Australia Day Contest
Australia Day Contest

Australia Day Contest

By now you would have heard about the new WIA Australia Day Contest on the 26th of January 2022.

This year is a trial contest and due to time restrictions in getting it off the ground, the rules are loosely derived from the Remembrance Day Contest. This will allow the use of VKCL logger for logging purposes and vklogchecker.com to process the results. Please download the latest version of VKCL logger. N1MM has its own user defined contest downloadable from vk4sn.com under contests.

After many suggestions received, we finally put together what we believed was a good rule set as a trial for this year. The major hurdle was an acceptable time of operation across all states and territories from Norfolk to Christmas Isl where everyone could use the AX prefix at the same time. A timeslot was presented to the Radio Activities Committee and everyone approved the submission. Some see propagation times may vary for or against some areas but we are looking to open the contest up for DX next year.

Start time for this year's contest will be 2200 UTC on the 25th to 1000 UTC on the 26th.

Rules are downloadable from the WIA contest webpages.

2x1 callsign holders may have received confirmation from ACMA that the AX prefix is not to be used with contest calls.

Best 73 and enjoy Australia Day.

Alan VK4SN

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