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Главная » 2020 » Ноябрь » 5 » 3Y0I Bouvet Island
3Y0I Bouvet Island

3Y0I Bouvet Island News 3 November 2020

3Y0I Bouvet Island News 3 November 2020

We are still pushing with the missing budget ($24300) to finalize last payment for the vessel to make 3Y0I happen. So far (as an international team) we still can’t travel to South Africa due the Covid situation. Bouvet is not cancelled! All our equipment is ready there, waiting for us.
Time is running like crazy, also Antarctic summer will not wait for us so long… Please keep in mind that we will maybe need to reschedule this trip for the next season.
In the meantime Dom 3Z9DX received his Fijian government travel permit to go back to the Pacific Rebel Base as a back up plan. There is three different DXCC’s around: 3D2/C Conway, 3D2/R Rotuma, 3D2 Fiji + several IOTAs including some very rare groups. Unfortunately, cyclone season starts from November to March… so all looks very difficult and hard from logistic point of view. Let’s see what happens

3Y0I Bouvet Island News 16 June 2020

3Y0I Bouvet Island DX Pedition News 16 June 2020

After today's telephone conversation with the Norwegian Polar Institute, we learned that the Institute suspends all scientific expeditions to a small weather base located on the west side of the Bouvet island.

It is very likely that the station was swept to the ocean by '' landslide ''.

The 3Y0I radio expedition is not at risk. We are keep pushing to get a full budget before we set a sail again by end of the year.

Our base will be established on the eastern side of the island on the glacier. This part of the island is not exposed to the worst western winds, waves and landslides.

we want to remind you that we have access to accurate, current satellite photographic data of our landing site.

Dom 3z9dx also has over 100 pictures from his non-radio visit and materials from other people who had visited the island.

We are really well prepared to do this job.

Now is your turn to help or forget about Bouvet in the log.

Rebel Team update

We are on track with 3Y0I Bouvet project. Still missing some budget but we are getting closer and closer. Second attempt will take place in December 2020.
Before December, Rebels are moving to Pacific to activate Banaba Island (callsign secured T33T).
This activity will start in fist half of 2020.
After Banaba we will sail to T2 Tuvalu (working on callsign T22T)
During April we will also be active from 2 IOTAs OC 156 and OC 121
Stay tuned

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