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Главная » 2024 » Июль » 8 » YOTA Contest - Round 2
YOTA Contest - Round 2

YOTA Contest - Round 2

heldfrom 20.07.2024 10:00 UTC to 20.07.2024 21:59 UTC
Modulation:CW, SSB
Range:80, 40, 20, 15, 10 m
Classes:a. Single Operator 3 Bands Mixed (open); b. Single Operator 3 Bands Mixed (YOTA); * The top 3 bands will be automatically selected from the logs (no need to specify them specifically). c. Single Operator All Bands Mixed (open); d. Single Operator All Bands Mixed (YOTA); e. Single Operator All Bands Mixed 6 hours - only YOTA; f. Multi Operator Single Transmitter All Bands Mixed - only YOTA (a team may consist of one adult operator for every two youth operators). * A 10-minute band change rule applies and there is no limit on how many times you can change bands on the same band. * Up to two signals may be on the air at the same time (one on the Run band and one on the Mult band). g. Shortwave Listeners (SWL) All Bands Mixed. h. Station sponsors. * Station owners who have invited youth to participate and have applied in this separate category. The sponsor's call sign must be included in the list of operators and photographs must be provided for participation in the classification and awards. General provisions. Age is taken into account as of January 1 of the current year. The location of the working position (antennas and transmitters) is limited to a circle with a diameter of 500 m. This restriction applies to each call sign. Participants wishing to work from a different position in these competitions must use a different call sign. Do not delete duplicate contacts. When participating in the three-band classification, leave in the log contacts made on all bands. The discrepancy in the time of fixing the contact for the classification is no more than 3 minutes. Take care to synchronize your watches before the start of the contest. The use of a cluster is allowed in all categories, but self-spotting is prohibited. The total output power is determined by the license conditions and must not exceed the permissible on each of the bands at any time. The use of remote control is allowed subject to the rules of the physical location of the station, license conditions and restrictions of a specific classification category.
Exchange:Single-operator stations transmit an RS(T) report and their age. Multi-OP stations transmit an RS(T) report and the average age of the operators (or 25, whichever is lower). * Age is as of January 1 of the current year.
Reports are accepted until:27.07.2024
Questions by E-mail:contest@ham-yota.com
Address:Web form on the website: https://contest.ham-yota.com
Internet address:https://www.ham-yota.com/contest/
Просмотров: 65 | Добавил: Admin1958 | Теги: YOTA Contest - Round 2 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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