[NEWS] –
Pilot stations have been chosen. They are DX-World’s very own Weekly Bulletin writer, Bjorn ON9CFG (EU), together with Pete W2IRT (NA) and Champ E21EIC (AS). Read more here.
[DECEMBER 7, 2024] –
Behind the scenes, the DX-Adventure team is working at full speed to prepare everything as good as possible for the upcoming VU4X DXpedition in March 2025. We have already started packing all the radio equipment that needs to go with us. The 37 suitcases we currently have booked will probably be not enough to get everything with us. In the coming weeks it will really become clear how many more suitcases are needed. The expense of all the luggage is very high. One 23kg suitcase costs more than $600. Then we are not talking about oversize suitcases in which we carry all the antennas and towers. The ast weeks we received voluntary donations from radio amateurs from Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Austria, Denmark, Japan and USA. We appreciate your support and are extremely grateful for your contributions. VU4X webpage
Saturday, November 9, was marked on the calendar as new VU4X team meeting and test day. Team members present: DJ5MO Jelmer | ON4AMX Marc | ON4HIL Patrick | ON5UR Max | ON5TN Karel | ON6CC Marc | ON7RU Franky | ON7USB Geert | ON8AZ Francis | PA3EWP Ron | PA9M Marcel.
We gathered at 8 am, starting with coffee and some coffee cakes while catching up. Then, we reviewed our ‘To-Do’ list, as a long day lay ahead. ON4HIL Patrick began by giving us a detailed explanation of the bandstop filters he is building. Tasks were then divided into groups, and we got to work. After gathering a large amount of material and organizing it, it was time for the first major test of the day. On the to-do list was:
• Building and testing the two Spiderbeams.
• Measuring high-power bandpass filters.
• Testing and measuring bandstop filters.
• Preparing coax cables (800 mtr).
• Setting up and testing stations, computers, networking.
• Testing stations and antennas in combination with the high-power bandpass filters and bandstop filters.
The initial tests and results were very positive. We concluded that it was a very productive day. After working almost non-stop, it was high time to wrap up, especially as some team members still had a 250 km drive home.
Pictures courtesy Ronald, PA3EWP
[JULY 23] –
Team consisting of ON4AMX, ON4HIL, ON5UR, ON5RA, ON5TN, ON6CC, ON7FT, ON7USB, ON7RU, ON8AZ, PA9M and PA3EWP have announced that they will be on the air as VU4X from Andaman Islands during March 10-25, 2025. QRV on HF bands; CW, SSB and DIGI.