- [NEWS UPDATE @ 0630Z] –
Yesterday (Monday), we set up the 80m vertical and the RX antenna DHDL for 160m. The antenna receives excellently, but conditions for 160m weren’t favorable.
We made our first appearance on 15m SSB, and a lot of stations called us, HI. However, we have a request for stations in Europe. Our windows to NA are very short, and we have a difficult path to the eastern coast of NA. Therefore, we ask our EU friends for patience and cooperation if we make a directional call.
Please refrain from sending your requests for human modes on low bands because if signals don’t pass on FT8, trying CW/SSB is pointless. The propagation conditions from this location are very poor. We will try to set up a RX antenna at another QTH as well.
If you’re not logged after an update, please wait at least 24 hours for the next update. PLS, don’t send requests for corrections and NIL; everything will be addressed after the expedition.
- [NOVEMBER 4 @ 0500Z] –
Since last night the wind has been intensifying. We need to take down some antennas (including the vertical for 160m and at least one Spiderbeam) because a major storm is approaching, and they are reinforcing the embankment where the antennas are set up. Therefore, it’s very likely that only a few signals will be on the air in the evening and at night. Health issues. Two members have coughs and fevers (not COVID). They probably caught something on the plane.
Meanwhile, Petr, OK1FCJ (team PR man) mentions about the set up at each QTH:
– Area: approx. 150 m²
– Antennas: 12m and 17m Dipole, SpiderBeam, 30m/40m Verticals (on a single coax cable)
– Equipment: Expert Electronics SunSDR, Icom 705, Kenwood TS-480, 2x PA
– Area: approx. 1000 m²
– Antennas: 160m Vertical, SpiderBeam, VDA (10m and 12m), DX Commander, DHDL toward EU
– Equipment: 2x Yaesu FTDX10, 2x PA
– Area: approx. 4000 m²
– Antennas: Hexbeam, SpiderBeam, 30m Vertical, 40m Vertical, 80m Vertical, 3-element Yagi 6m
– Plan: 2x Beverages (one directed to EU and another to the US East Coast) or alternatively DHDL
– Equipment: 2x Yaesu FTDX10, Elecraft K3, 3x PA