Even better for 2025
Happy New Year!
New desktop publishing software opens up even more possibilities for the SARC Communicator, the digital periodical of Surrey Amateur Radio Communications. This issue is now available for viewing or download. Another new feature is a smaller version, best suited for mobile devices, available here. The advantage of the larger version being higher resolution graphics and photos.
The best new feature, in my opinion, is the ability to provide you with a compete Table of Contents [below]. This should enable better accessibility from search engines.
You will find some great articles in this issue, along with our regular columnists.
Now read in over 165 countries, we bring you 120+ pages of Amateur Radio content from the Southwest corner of Canada and elsewhere. With less fluff and ads than other Amateur Radio publications, you will find Amateur Radio related articles, projects, profiles, news, tips and how-to's for all levels of the hobby.
Download the January - February Communicator in LARGE or SMALL format, or read it on-line like a magazine
Previous Communicator issues: Search HERE for past Communicator issues and a full searchable index is HERE. As always, thank you to our contributors, and your feedback is always welcome.
73, John VE7TI 'The Communicator' Editor