The Irish Radio Transmitters Society (IRTS) held a committee meeting on November 20 th 2021. Items covered were routine, however the following may be of interest to all members. One item on the agenda was the updating of the IRTS constitution. A sub committee has been looking in detail at the consitution wording, in particular areas that might need updating. An example would be the holding of an online AGM. The current pandemic has raised a number of issues that would not have been relevant when the constitution was last amended. Members are encouraged to download and read the document available in the 'download' menu at Any suggestions on changes can be sent for consideration to constitution /at/ The committee endorsed the election of Dominic Carron EI5IAB to the IRTS Examination board, where he will take on the administration role. Dave O'Connor EI6AL, who had taken on that role on a temporary basis, will be retiring from the Board once the handover is completed. We are also pleased to announce that Declan Craig EI6FR has been appointed Contest Manager. This role was previously held by Joe Ryan EI7GY and the committee would take this opportunity to thank Joe for his dedication to the role during the many years he held the position. The IRTS will be 90 years old next year. To mark the occasion the Society has been allocated the call EI90IRTS. We would appreciate ideas from members on the design of a suitable QSL card to suit the call and the event. We would also like to hear from you if you have any ideas for events, contests, etc. As the call is for use by any licenced member of the Society it is an opportunity for you to come up with ideas and proposals on how the call can best be used to celebrate the occasion. The call will be co-ordinated to ensure there is no overlap of bands or modes, but subject to that restriction it can be used by members of the IRTS throughout 2022. A call co-ordination group is being set up to regulate use of the call in accordance with the terms of the licence. Full information on the process will be made available to all members as soon as possible. Any ideas you might have can be sent to EI90IRTS /at/ EI-90-IRTS is being made available in the first place for use during our 80 metres New Year's Day counties contest. The anniversary call sign will be a bonus checklog station during this contest, with double points awarded for all valid QSOs with the station. Roger, EI8KN will be activating EI-90-IRTS on the SSB segments. CW operaters wishing to operate the station during the New Year's Day contest should, no later than Monday 20th December, send details of your call, and county of operation to EI90IRTS /at/ If there are multiple requests the station operator will be decided by drawing lots. Wishing you all as very happy Christmas and a great New Year IRTS Committee IRTS