A proper seesaw week with Monday to Wednesday very low, Thursday very high, Friday low, Saturday and Sunday fairish. Considering it was the Ten Ten International SSB contest there was not really a lot of DX about. Maybe everyone has caught the FT8 bug. The ARRL (LoTW) say, "Enthusiasts will have to wait a little longer for Logbook of The World (LoTW) to accept FT8 contacts as FT8 contacts. Because FT8 is still in beta, it has not yet been added to the ADIF tables. Configuring TQSL to automatically map FT8 contacts to "DATA” will enable users to upload FT8 contacts now, and confirmations will be valid for DXCC Digital, VUCC, WAS Digital, and WPX Digital awards. A new TQSL configuration will be released once the new mode has been accepted to ADIF, which could happen within a week.”
That was a week ago and no movement yet. Was there any DX? Well yes, but not in great quantities. R870K (Russia Special), R200A (Russia Dpecial), V31MA (Belize), YB72RI/1 (Indonesia Special). N5XZ and N5NT both USA were also very popular on Saturday and Sunday. Thanks to N5XZ for doing lots of spotting as well. Thursday Rafael, YV5RED worked NW9H -05, K4SO -12, KG5AUW -13, KF8MY -14, AB1HL -14, K9AN -08, W2ZBT -13, KC2BW +01, KG4OLG -13, WB4JWM +01, KA5ETS +02, K4EGA +02, KD5J +05, WB5TKI -07, KC4X -11, W4XK -01, VE2QA +07, AF5NP -16. He says, "From 2142 to 2343 UTC / K index = 4, using the new FT8 digimode protocol, with 20 watts of output power. IC-440 and Solarcon MAX-2000.” Friday he worked NW9H +02, KQ0J +03, PY5EJ -14, WB0SMX -11, KX5SP -12, HC2TE +07, KY7M -06, and heard KQ0J 5, PY5EJ -6, N7MJ -11, WB0SMX -14, KX5SP -18, NM9P -20, KG5YR -12, KD5J -13, LW6EUR -14, PY2XZ -17, HC2TE 0, N4WDN-13. And there’s more from Rafael, "Hi Tony!, testing new FT8 digimode protocol. It's very fast and I'm seeing that most of JT65 operators have been testing also. I think this mode is good for DXpedition for example, but not for /QRP operation. FT8 is less sensitive than JT65 and that sensitivity is sacrificed for speed in order to compensate for quickly changing band conditions. That is the entire basis on which the mode is built. Then and in my opinion, JT65 Protocol is the best options for /QRP op than FT8. On the other side, FT8 protocol will provide us with more contacts to come on the bands, specially on this part of the Solar Cycle 24, the worst in 200 years. Good news for our little community of 10 metre band enthusiasts: again, YV5LIX/B is on air on 28215 MHz from FK60ol. Check it out info related on https://www.qrz.com/db/yv5lix/b - This non profit beacon project is specially designed for CW beginners, because the speed is 6 wpm. So, see you on the bands folks.”
I have a stack of FT8 contacts with rapid QSLs via eQSL. Yesterday I worked ZP9CTS but mostly I’m working Europeans, for now! Most popular DX (three or more contacts, any mode) Monday DX: ED4YAK/B, KF7SOJ, RO17CW, RL5G/8, OH9TEN/B, N6SS, M3DDY, ER1TEN/B. Spotters: F8IJV, WB4CTX, R9XM, VE3FGU, K7OOS, WR7X, R8WO, M0MJA Tuesday DX: LA5TEN/B, EA1EXE, TM12FAJ, ED5YAU/B. Spotters: F8IJV, F4CXO, AB5KM, G4SKO, MM0TFU, F1BBI . Wednesday DX: R870K, SV6DBG/B, HI3K, IZ8RVA/B, EC1AJL, TF15MOOT, RL5G/4, RA17CW, 9Z4Y, YB72RI/8, SV2HQL/B, SM2CFZ, RZ6AQX, RM2D, RL5G/P, RL17CW, R50ZKR, K5TLL/B, DL0IGI/B, UA9JLY, R2LAF/P, ER1TEN. Spotters: R9XM, F4CXO, IW1BCO, TA2TR, US4IGH, R4NAY, K9YM, 9Z4Y, W8JMZ, UT2LO, RK6FO, GM4KJQ, EW2ABC . Thursday DX: R200A, LZ55UPB, RL5G/3, 9Z4Y, SP9MKG, RZ17CW, SV1LHZ, UX0KR, IT9CFP, HB600NVF, HA6NL, ER1TEN, ZP9CTS, TM12FAJ, TA3AIK, SV6DBG/B, SV2HQL/B, S51DX, RL5G/7, RL17CW, RG50SP, R870K, OH9TEN, NP4JL, NP3KV, IZ8RVA/B, IZ6BXV, IZ4UEZ, IZ0CWW/B, IQ5MS/B, IQ0GV/B, HA8EK, F5ZWE, F5ZIN, F1ZIN, ER1PB, ED4YAK/B, 4V1G, YU1FE, YO8BFC, YO3BBM, SV6DBG, SV2DSJ, S500R, RW7F, RV6FT, RU1ZC, RL5G/6, R50ZKR, R17CWC, OE17BEACH, LZ1GU, LY2OU, KG5AUW, GW7HDS/B, F8NAN, ED1YCA/B, DL1KSB, DL0IGI/B, DL0IGI, CO8NDZ, 9A7JCY. Spotters: DL7JV, KO1U, OK1ITK, DO8DH, WB4JWM, F4CXO, CT1HMN, G4PVM, F4EVC, 9Z4Y, ND6M, N1ADM, EW2ABC, LZ1AEY, IW1CHX, IV3HAX, G4CJC, VE3PV, RA7KW, R7MM, KW4RZ, HA6VH, DO4JBP, 9A6T, YO2DFA, TA2TR, SP5BBG, RU3QR, RN5AA, RK6BCX, IW3RUA, DK1CO, SV2HJW, SV1LHZ, SM6IQD, RU2K, OH5IY, N3CR, KF4WE, IU2IDU, IU0ICC, EA1PO, DM8WP, DD0UM, 9A3CX, YV5RED, YU1RA, YO9FHB, YO8TK, UA6AES, UA4NE, SP6CES, RZ3MM, RA7A, R6CW, R2ANX, PA3FIC, OE3YTA, NP3KV, IU1HGO, F4WBL, DO4MM, DO1DXX, DF3OL . Friday DX: RL5G/1, V31MA, SV6DBG/B, KC8YFG, KA5TCF, RO17CW. Spotters: KO1U, N4OGW, NR0Q, F4CXO, VE3FGU, RA6ADQ, W1ZQ, UZ2HZ, TA2TR, R4NAY, K7VQ, W4SFG, W4ETB, NP3RE, 9Z4Y . Saturday DX: N5XZ, YB72RI/2, N5MT, RU1ZC, NC0B, KM4ODS, R870K, N5XZ/B, KG5LRP, KC6SEH, S56B, RV17CW, RJ17CW, OK1CF, N6OPR, LZ55UPB, IK4LZH, R110A, KD8TNF, K8DEL, CX2DK, AG5Z, YB72RI/0, S59ACP, RL5G/P, PG64HOOP, KD4BVG, HA3DX, ZP9CTS, S500R, RL5G/4, LY4A, K0NM, F8DHE, ED1YCA/B, EC1AJL, 9A7V, YB72RI/6, TEN4X, TEN4TEN, S54ZZ, S51A, S50D, RL5G/1, OH9TEN, LU9DDJ, IT9FRX, EC5NJ, YP7P, W5IDX, W5FMH, UE40CZF, TM20CC, S59AA, S57AW, S52WW, RW0CD, RT17CW, RN17CW, RM2D, OZ7IGY, OE8FOX, LY3DA, LY3BB, K5TLL/B, K5AB/B, IZ8RVA/B, IT9RGY, IQ6NE, ES5RR, 9A7DX. Spotters: DL7JV, N0ZNA, KG5LRP, N5XZ, DO4OD, WB8VLC, NV4NV, N4ZCG, LY5W, F4CXO, W5IDX, KM4AEM, S54X, OH5IY, W4EEZ, S53K, W5FMH, NG7M, KO1U, K0PV, S51A, WB0IWG, S53M, RV3WT, OS8D, N4CF, LY2N, KE0NWG, DL9KI, WB2TQE, PE2K, KD8TNF, JF1NUV, EA5HT, W8EO, W5GCX, UZ5DX, UB3PBP, S58Y, S53F, M6ETL, LB2WD, K0IS, F1GZV, EA2ABZ, DO9VK, AI1K, YG0AJP, YB0EIN, VA2QR, UA9APA, UA3GT, SP2EWQ, RW1CW, R8WO, N9OOO, N8YXR, N8MAS, LZ5K, LY4MA, K4NAU, K2ATZ, IQ6NE, F6HTS, F4WBL, EA8DER, DO9OM, BG7MI, 9A7DX . Sunday DX: N5XZ, N5MT, K0NM, R870K, GJ4PVM, 4L0GF, YB72RI/1, LZ55UPB, KG5LRP, LU9DDJ, W5IDX, YB72RI/9, RG50SP, RG17CW, RA17CW, RL17CW, N6OPR, K8DEL, SQ2HL, SP6AEG, RZ17CW, RU1ZC, RJ17CW, PP5JR, LU5AQU, KM4ODS, K3NT, GM3YOR, W5CL, UX0KR, UC2K, UA6J, TEN5TEN, SP9KR, SK7GH/B, R6WA, R110A, PU2WDX, NA9A, N1YKH, N0ZNA, LY2SL, LW5DPG, KZ5J, KQ4PK, KD4BVG, IZ6BXV, DL0IGI/B, CA3JBD. Spotters: K0PV, N5XZ, KB4FOS, KW4RZ, N4ZCG, N0ZNA, F4CXO, WB7PMP, K4NAU, KG5LRP, PU2KNM, ND6M, KM4ODS, KM4AEM, EW2ABC, AJ4F, W4IOD, TA2TR, SP2WDF, SM1TDE, EU7DDE, AI8F, WB5VYR, W2ZDP, RK3FT, RA4HJW, NR5Q, LB2WD, KM4WRG, KI6PMD, KD9VV, G0DRM, EW6X, W5IDX, UA6J, RV3WT, R6WA, PU5IKE, PA3GEO, N9OOO, N8YXR, KB8YBG, HA6VH, EW4DW, DL1AN . Contests: Information from WA7BMN The Worked All Europe CW contest is the big one this coming weekend. It’s the one with QTCs!! + CWops Mini-CWT Test | 1300Z-1400Z, Aug 9 and 1900Z-2000Z, Aug 9 and 0300Z-0400Z, Aug 10 | + WAE DX Contest, CW | 0000Z, Aug 12 to 2359Z, Aug 13 | + SKCC Weekend Sprintathon | 1200Z, Aug 12 to 2400Z, Aug 13 | + Maryland-DC QSO Party | 1600Z, Aug 12 to 0400Z, Aug 13 and 1600Z-2400Z, Aug 13 | + 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint | 0000Z-0200Z, Aug 14 |
Upcoming activity (though not guaranteed to be on 10m). Information from NG3K, DXwatch.com and 425DXnews June | | 2017 Jun28 | 2017 Aug14 | Bolivia | CP1XRM [spots] | LotW | TDDX 20170619 | By EA5RM; SSB + digital; spare time operation; QSL also OK via EA5RM direct | July | | 2017 Jul26 | 2017 Aug15 | Samoa | 5W0RR [spots] | ZL1BQD | TDDX 20170720 | By ZL1BQD fm Apia; mainly JT65 | August | | 2017 Aug01 | 2017 Aug10 | Faroe Is | OY [spots] | EA4URE | DXW.Net 20170710 | By CT1BWW as OY/CT1BWW; 40-10m; CW SSB + digital; QSL OK via Buro or direct | 2017 Aug03 | 2017 Aug12 | Ogasawara | JD1BOI [spots] | JI1LET Direct | DXNews 20170723 | By JI1LET fm Chichijima I (IOTA AS-031); 160-6m; CW SSB RTTY; QSL: Koji Iijima, 7-12 Tenma, Gyoda-city Saitama 361-0076, Japan | 2017 Aug03 | 2017 Aug13 | Georgia | 4L0GF [spots] | LotW | TDDX 20170517 | By UR5EAW F5RAB F5RAV 4L6QC 4L6DL fm Zeda Tkhilnari, Batumi; 160-10m; CW SSB RTTY; 1kw; AV680 and Delta Loop; QSL also OK via F5RAV direct or Club Log | 2017 Aug05 | 2017 Aug11 | Jersey | GJ4PVM [spots] | LotW | TDDX 20170711 | By G4PVM; HF; CW SSB; QSL also OK via Club Log and eQSL (no paper QSLs) | 2017 Aug07 | 2017 Aug25 | South Cook Is | E51GHS [spots] | F4GHS | DXW.Net 20170513 | By F4GHS fm Aitutaki I (IOTA OC-083) 8/7-16 and Rarotonga I (IOTA OC-013) 8/16-25; HF; holiday style operation | 2017 Aug09 | 2017 Aug28 | Alaska | KL7 | LotW | DXNews 20170602 | By VE7ACN as AL3/VE7ACN fm Hinchinbrook I (IOTA NA-042, 8/9-15) and as NL6/VE7ACN fm Kayak I (IOTA NA-157, 8/18-28); 160-10m; CW SSB; QSL also OK via VE7ACN | 2017 Aug10 | 2017 Aug12 | Mariana Is | KH0 | LotW | TDDX 20170808 | By JH0CJH as JH0CJH/KH0 fm Saipan | 2017 Aug12 | 2017 Aug19 | Market Reef | OJ0 | | TDDX 20170630 | By youth team as TBD; 80-6m | 2017 Aug15 | 2017 Sep05 | French Polynesia | TX5EG | LotW | TDDX 20170428 | By F6BCW F6DTZ F1TCV fm Moorea I (IOTA OC-046); 80-12m; CW SSB; QSL also OK via F6BCW (Buro or direct), Club Log, eQSL | 2017 Aug17 | 2017 Aug22 | Tonga | A35JP/p | LotW | DXW.Net 20170626 | By JA0RQV fm Niuatoputapu I (IOTA OC-191); 80-6m; CW SSB; QSL also OK via Club Log; contingent on flight availability |
Sun: Just one lonely sunspot. In recent nights, a growing number of these fireballs have been seen streaking over the USA. NASA cameras counted more than 30 so far this week. This is a sign that our planet is moving deeper into a stream of debris from comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle, source of the annual Perseid meteor shower. Forecasters expect the shower to peak during the nights of Aug. 11-13 with perhaps dozens of meteors per hour streaking through the moonlight. (Spaceweather.com) England comprehensively beat South Africa in the last test of a 4 match series. I guess Moeen Ali was a star with bat and ball but there were others. The Premier League kicks off the coming weekend (actually Friday evening). Stoke are at Everton with a much depleted team.