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Главная » 2020 » Март » 13 » Swains Island DXpedition
Swains Island DXpedition

Postponed but.....
The fact that we had to postpone the DXpedition so shortly before the initially planned date does not mean that Swains2020 is no longer alive. The opposite is true....

A new planning brings many new logistical challenges with which the team is busy to resolve. Not all equipment can wait for half a year in a box for shipping and the team members also have to adjust their travel plans to the new goals. This all sounds simple, but for sure it is not.

The new date also means a different season and therefore different circumstances on the island and a change in expected propagation.
This means that the operating manual needs some adjustment as might the planning.

The team is happy that their sponsors and supporters show so much understanding for the situation and continue to support the team in the realization of this great project. It is this trust and support that gives extra motivation to the team to make the postponed DXpedition a success. Without this support a project like Swains2020 is not possible.



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