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Главная » 2021 » Март » 26 » Space Weather News for March 25, 2021
Space Weather News for March 25, 2021
Space Weather News for March 25, 2021

AURORAS OVER AN ERUPTING VOLCANO: Yesterday, a photographer celebrating his birthday in Iceland captured an outburst of green auroras over the erupting Geldingadalur volcano, not far from Reykjavík. The once-in-a-millennium shot could be the first of many to come as lava continues to flow and geomagnetic activity picks up with the wakening of Solar Cycle 25. Full story @ Spaceweather.com.

Auroras alerts: Don't miss the next display. Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and receive a realtime text message when geomagnetic storms erupt.
Above: Auroras over Iceland's Geldingadalur volcano on March 24, 2021. Photo credit: Christopher Mathews.
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