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Главная » 2021 » Октябрь » 6 » Sisters earn ham radio licenses
Sisters earn ham radio licenses
The Midland Daily News reports on two sisters who got their amateur radio licenses - Kanushi Desai KE8RNA and Jashvi Desai KE8QHI

The newspaper says:

Two years ago, Kanushi Desai, always an inquisitive youngster, decided to join the Jefferson Middle School Electronics Club. The then sixth grader took an immediate liking to the activity.

"Kanushi was so young, she had no idea of any of these things,” said Pranali Desai, Kanushi’s mother. "Even when she was little, she was always exploring, always doing something.”

The first thing she built in the club was a flashlight, and the megawatt smile that lit up Kanushi’s face following this success is something her mother won’t soon forget.

"The happiness on her face when she saw all these elements come together told me, as a parent, that we should continue to support this new interest,” said Pranali Desai. "She started learning more and more and soon got her older sister, Jashvi, interested. She started learning from Kanushi.”

Today the pair of sisters are proud owners of amateur radio licenses after passing both the FCC Technician Class and General Class Amateur Radio exams.

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