The organizer of contest is the Russian Digital Radio Club. The Russian contest on radio short waves communications Russian WW MultiMode Contest by using the BPSK63, CW, RTTY and SSB modes is conducted according to the present Rules annually in November. We invite all fans of all modes to take part in 6th RUS-WW-MM from 12.00 UTC on Saturday 30th November till 11:59 UTC on Sunday 1st December, 2019. Types of modulation: BPSK63, CW, RTTY45, SSB. The repeated contacts are permitted on different bands and different modes providing that a contact will be made not earlier than in 3 minutes. The output power should not exceed the resolved power according to the radioamateur license of the participant. The operator may change the bands no more than 10 times within calendar hour (with zero on 59-th minute of each hour). Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time. Bands: 160 m, 80 m, 40 m, 20 m, 15 m, 10 m. A separate category for the Russia and foreign participants. Certificates in electronic type will be awarded to all participants (except for CheckLog) under condition of carrying out not less than 30 CFM QSO: AWARDS CENTER OF RDRC. Schedule RUS-WW-MM in 2019-2022: 2019 - on November, 30th and on December, 1st 2020 - on October, 31st and on November, 1st 2021 - on July, 31st and on August, 1st 2022 - on April, 30th and on May, 1st
See you later in Russian WW MultiMode Contest Rules: • Date and Time: Starting time is at 12:00 UTC on Saturday 30-NOVEMBER-2019 and ending time is at 11:59 UTC on Sunday 1-DECEMBER-2019
• Modes and samples of signals: BPSK63, CW, RTTY45, SSB
• Bands: Contest participants are allowed to work on 160 meters (1.8 MHz), 80 meters (3.5 MHz), 40 meters (7 MHz), 20 meters (14 MHz), 15 meters (21 MHz) and 10 meters (28 MHz). RDRC recommends the following frequencies: CW: 1,810-1,840; 3,510-3,560; 7,010-7,040; 14,010-14,060; 21,010-21,060, 28,010-28,060 DIGI: 1,840-1,843; 3,582-3,600; 7,042-7,050; 14,072-14,110; 21,072-21,110, 28,072-28,125 SSB: 1,850–1,950; 3,650–3,750; 7,060–7,200; 14,120 – 14,320; 21,150–21,320; 28,400–28,650 • Categories: MOAB-MIXED - MULTI-ONE MIXED - Multi-Operator, Single Transmitter, All Bands, 2-4 modes - Club stations and SES stations: - World - all the countries except for Russia, - European Russia, - Asiatic Russia; SOAB - SINGLE-OP ALL MIXED - Single-Operator, All Bands, 2-4 modes: - World - all the countries except for Russia, - European Russia, - Asiatic Russia; SOHF - SINGLE-OP 20M-15M-10M MIXED - Single-Operator; 20, 15 and 10м; 2-4 modes: - World - all the countries except for Russia, - European Russia, - Asiatic Russia; SOLF - SINGLE-OP 160M-80M-40M MIXED - Single-Operator; 160, 80 and 40м; 2-4 modes: - World - all the countries except for Russia, - European Russia, - Asiatic Russia; SOAB-BPSK - SINGLE-OP ALL BPSK - Single-Operator, All Bands, BPSK: - World - all the countries except for Russia, - European Russia, - Asiatic Russia; SOAB-CW - SINGLE-OP ALL CW - Single-Operator, All Bands, CW:, - World - all the countries except for Russia, - European Russia, - Asiatic Russia; SOAB-RTTY - SINGLE-OP ALL RTTY - Single-Operator, All Bands, RTTY: - World - all the countries except for Russia, - European Russia, - Asiatic Russia; SOAB-SSB - SINGLE-OP ALL SSB - Single-Operator, All Bands, SSB: - World - all the countries except for Russia, - European Russia, - Asiatic Russia;
Note MOAB: Two - ten operators with their personal or SWL callsigns can form a team. Personal callsigns should be necessarily specified. Each participant younger than 20 years in subgroup MOAB will be awarded a certificate for participation in the contest. Note Special Event Stations: We invite Special Event Stations with callsigns of temporary use to participate in our Contests. As a Rule all SES should be declared only in subgroup MOAB - MULTI-ONE. The specific character of work of DX and Special Event Stations in contests means that not only participants of competitions will hunt for such signals. At summarizing they may have a big percent of not confirmed contacts as a result of carried out QSO with correspondents who were not participated in contest. Contest Board will apply Special Rules to SES and DX stations and will not transfer results into Checklog at more than 30% of unacknowledged contacts as is stated in penalty clauses. Thus, for the SES and DX stations it is desirable, but not required, to remove from the report the QSOs with the correspondents who did not take part in the competition. We remind that QSO with participants who does not send their reports are counted if the callsigns are listed there at least in three reports All russian SES callsigns will be put in statistics of MixW contest-module for their correct image and calculating the results in RUS-WW-MM. Note to air monitoring: Observers and participants of the contest can assist the Contest Committee in terms of monitoring and recording of air possible violations. • Number Exchange: Participants from Russia, and also the foreign radioamateurs who are being in territory of Russia, should send RS,RST(Q) plus 2-letter abbreviation of Russian Area (oblast) Code (example for Moscow region – 599 MA). The list of Russia areas and their symbols look in the appendix on this page (in the end of the text of rules position). Participants from other countries and territories of the world (except for Russia), should send RS,RST(Q) plus QSO number, starting 001 (example - 599 001).The numeration on bands is current.General call - "CQ RUSTEST".
The repeated contacts are permitted on different bands and different modes providing that a contact will be made not earlier than in 3 minutes. The contact with correspondent who has not sent the report can be accepted if the callsign of the correspondent can be met not less than in three different reports. • Let's verify hours: At a divergence of time of carrying out of QSO at correspondents more than three minutes, QSO will be cancelled at both correspondents. • Points: Each contact between stations on 20, 15 and 10 m is worth: - inside the country - 1 point; - with other country - 3 points; - with other continents - 5 points; The points on 160, 80 and 40 m are doubled.
• Multiplier: The multiplier are the countries according to the list of DXCC and Russian areas on each mode and each band.
• Scoring: The final score is the result of the total points multiplied by the sum of multipliers. • Prizes and Awards: Gallery of prizes and certificates:
Certificates in electronic type will be awarded to all participants (except for CheckLog) under condition of carrying out not less than 30 CFM QSO: 1. The certificate of the WINNER:- For 1 place on continents in each World-subgroup, under condition of not less than 3 participants from continent; - For 1 place in each Federal districts of Russia in each of subgroups, under condition of not less than 3 participants from Federal districts. 2. The certificate of the PRIZEWINNER:- For 2 and 3 place on continents in each World-subgroup, under condition of not less than 5 participants from continent; - For 2 and 3 place in each Federal districts of Russia in each of subgroups, under condition of not less than 5 participants from Federal districts. 3. The certificate of the PARTICIPANT:- To all participants (except for the winner who has received diplomas and the prizewinner) provided that the result will make not less than 30 CFM QSO. 4. Each participant younger than 20 years will be rewarded the personal certificate, for this purpose it is necessary to specify full Name, Surname and date of birth in the report. All certificates for contests and digital activity days, since 2019, are loading on site AWARDS CENTER OF RDRC. Participants who got in DQ (yellow and red cards) will not receive the awards, as well as those who sent reports for check (checklog). Therefore, we advise you to be necessarily declared in subgroups and not break the rules of our contest. • Log Instructions: Modes in Cabrillo file must be identified as follows: BPSK63 - PM, CW - CW, RTTY - RY, SSB - PH Name your Cabrillo file as your callsign (for example – R3BB.cbr, R3BB.log or R3BB.txt). You may send your log via the Web interface: or email: All logs must be sent no later than 5 days after the contest.