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Главная » 2017 » Декабрь » 3 » Rules OK DX RTTY

Date: 00:00 UTC to 24:00 UTC Saturday, 3rd full weekend in December.

Mode: RTTY - Baudot

Bands: 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 meters, according to the IARU band plan


a)      A1) Single operator all bands high power (> 100 W) - SINGLE-OP ALL HIGH

b)     A2) Single operator all bands low power (< 100 W) - SINGLE-OP ALL LOW

c)      B) Single operator single band - SINGLE-OP 10M, SINGLE-OP 15M, SINGLE-OP 20M, SINGLE-OP 40M or SINGLE-OP 80M

d)     C) Multi operators all bands only one signal - MULTI-OP

e)      D) SWL

A1 , A2 and C entrants may only change band once in 5 minute period.

5)     Call: CQ OK TEST

6)     Message: RST + CQ Zone

7)     Points:

a)      On 10, 15 and 20 meters bands:

1 point for contact within own continent,

2 points for outside own continent (DX QSO).

b)     On 40 and 80 meters bands:

3 points for contact within own continent

6 points for outside own continent (DX QSO)

8)     Multipliers:

a)      for all stations outside OK/OL: DXCC countries and OK stations on each band,

b)     for OK/OL stations: DXCC Countries on each band.

9)     Final score:

a)      for all stations outside OK/OL: total points on all bands x (total DXCC countries in all bands + OK stations in all bands),

b)     for OK/OL stations: total points on all bands x total DXCC countries in all bands.

c)      Contacts with the station that have not sent the log will be counted only in those cases  if that station will be listed at least in 3 different logs.

10) Evaluation, Trophies and Awards:

a)      The participants are evaluated in two divisions: OK/OL and others stations.

b)     Award and plate to winner in classes A1 and A2.

c)      Award to winner in classes B, C and D.

d)     Award to winner in any DXCC countries (works min. 10% of the contacts of the winner in the appropriate category but min. 30 contacts).

11) Logs:

a)      Logs must be submitted in Cabrillo format by web upload on http://okrtty.crk.cz not later than 7thday after the contest. In case if you are sure that your Cabrillo is correct and you have a problem to upload it, please send it by e-mail to: "okrtty at crk.cz".

b)     SWL log will be accepted as plain ASCII text files showing date, band, callsign/message sent by claimed station and callsign of station worked, in chronological order, together with a summary file showing callsign, scoring and full name and address of entrant.

c)      All logs will be confirmed by e-mail.

12) Disqualification:

Violation of the contest rules, unsportsmanlike conduct or taking credit for excessive unverifiable QSOs will be deemed sufficient cause for disqualification.

13) All decisions of the organizer are final.

Просмотров: 620 | Добавил: Admin1958 | Теги: Rules OK DX RTTY | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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