held from 05/23/2024 16:00 UTC to 05/23/2024 21:59 UTC Modulation: CW Range: 80, 40 m Classes: A: the receiver and transmitter (or transceiver) consist of no more than 100 components; B: the transmitter consists of no more than 50 components (the receiver is any); C: the receiver and transmitter (or transceiver) consist of no more than 100 components, no more than one integrated circuit. Exchange: The RST/Class and number of station components are transmitted, for example: 559/B25, and names and other information can also be exchanged. Reports are accepted until: 29.05.2024 Address: Peter Haensel DL6CGC, Hotenslebener Str. 15, Barneberg, 39393 Hotensleben E-mail: mas@qrpcc.de Internet address: http://qrpcc.de/contestrules/mas/