• [NEWS UPDATE @ 1415z] – 

Look out for PX0FF to be active later today on 80 & 160m.

  • [OCTOBER 10 @ 0000z] –

After 107 hours, 61000 QSOs in the log and 15600 different callsigns.

Bad news first: This afternoon the team manager of the electric company showed up with his team and we demonstrated the noise problem originating from just one single LED street lamp about 100m away, which appears to be a different model than the other ones around. Though 100% evidence was shown, he simply refused to just disconnect the lamp for the next two weeks. Our best choice now is to go to the local government in the morning and convince them to order Neoenergia to shut down this lamp.

We have pre-assembled the 160m/80m antenna on the ground and will be able to put it up quickly when finally that other manager finds a minute to give her confirmation.

We have winds blowing 24/7 here at the QTH, coming right from the Atlantic ocean. The air is full of salt, and the salt is enriching on all structures outside. We even cleaned the feed point of the DXCommander Vertical twice because we could see arcing. Today we had to take down the WARC Spiderbeam, because some of the monofil (non-conducting) guy wires inside the antenna burnt through when they were touching the antenna wires. The same happened to the other Spiderbeam, but we postponed repair until tomorrow. BTW: This antenna is the most affected one by the noise, which is the reason why we are currently avoiding SSB and CW on 20/15/10m during nighttime.

A word to some guestbook and E-Mail comments: — Guys, be rest-assured that we perfectly know what we are doing. E.g. if you need us on 20/SSB or on 80/160m, just relax and wait. Time will come.

All antennas in one picture

"innovative beer constructions”… 

Spiderbeam – 12/17/30m


  • [OCTOBER 6 @ 1820z] –

Approaching 20K QSOs , team leader, Ben DA0DX, got in touch to send a few pictures which are now also on the PX0FF QRZ page. They have been extremely busy operating and covering the higher bands so far. 

DXCommander 12.4 Vertical (usable on 40m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m)

DXCommander 12.4 Vertical and the 4-ele 50 MHz

Spiderbeam (usable on 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m) and the 4-ele 50 MHz

A first view into the shack (l-t-r): PY7RP, DL5CW, DK2CX, OE2VEL

High Power Triplexer and Band Pass Filter installation

  • [QRV, OCTOBER 5] –

PX0FF started operations from Fernando de Noronha shortly after 1300z today on 17 & 28CW followed by 15SSB and 12FT8. The team (DA1DX, DK2CX, DL5CW, OE2VEL and PY7RP) will be active from there until October 21. Full details here



  • [AUGUST 26] –

Fresh from leading teams to Timor-Leste (4W8X) and Easter Island (3G0YA), Ben DA1DX (ex-DL6FBL) recently added the callsign PX0FF to the QRZ.com database. While news was intitially scarce, Ben got in touch to provide some new info:

  • Five experienced contesters from DL, OE and PY will operate as PX0FF in October 2024.
  • SSB, CW and FT8 (MSHV) only.
  • All bands from 160m thru 6m, including 60m.
  • QSL via DJ4MX, Club Log OQRS.

Stay tuned for more information after arriving their QTH, says Ben.