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Главная » 2021 » Май » 8 » New 60 m/5 Mhz WRC-15 sub-licence now available for New Zealand
New 60 m/5 Mhz WRC-15 sub-licence now available for New Zealand

New 60 m/5 Mhz WRC-15 sub-licence now available for New Zealand

Following the end of the two channel 60 m NZ trial in 2020,  as previously mentioned in Southgate ARC News, Bob Vernall,, ZL2CA has been successful in obtaining clearance of the new WRC-15 Amateur Secondary Allocation of 531.5 – 5366.5 kHz, NZART is pleased to announce that negotiations with regulator RSM have been successful in obtaining a licence to allow operation for all New Zealand amateur operators to use in the 60 m (5 MHz) band using the WRC-15 allocation.



Thanks again Bob Vernall ZL2CA for all your work in this area. Maximum allowable power is 15 W EIRP (effective isotropic radiated power).

As with the old 60m trial, all those who wish to operate on the band must complete and sign the new sub-licence
Click here
which sets out the terms of operation before you can operate.

For a full list of FAQ's please visit
Click here

Due to the new licence, NZART cannot grandfather those under the old sub-licence and ALL users of this band must complete the new sub-licence application.

Once completed, please scan and email to NZART HQ nzart@nzart.org.nz. Once acknowledged by return email, you can begin operation.

The NZART licence (and your sub-licence) are for a twelve-month period to allow RSM to assess if there are any interference issues. If not, then NZART will negotiate with RSM to having the 60 m (5 MHz) band allocation added to the GURL (General User Radio Licence). If this negotiation is successful, then the need for the sub-licence will not be required in the future.


Paul Gaskell G4MWO
The 5 MHz Newsletter

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plus G4MWO’s Worldwide 5 MHz Amateur Allocations Chart
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Wikipedia 60 Meter Band Page
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