The Calabria DX Team has once again organized Marconi Day and Award for the second year. The following accredited stations of various associations will be using the special prefix "IY" on the air on Marconi Day and for the following week for an event in honor of Gugliemo Marconi. Look for the following stations in Italy to be active to com- memorate 2020 Marconi Day between September 14-23rd: IY0NV - Circolo ARS Sassari IY0WV - Circolo ARS Frosinone IY0WY - Circolo ARS Formia IY1LY - CISAR Genoa Section IY1OD - Circ. ARS Valle Arroscia IY2MD - Circolo ARS B.Comasca IY2XZ - MDXC IY3ARS - Circolo ARS Alto Friuli IY4ARS - Circolo ARS Prato IY5ARS - Circolo ARS Prato IY5CB - Circolo ARS Pistoia IY5MD - Circolo ARS Valdinevole IY6SB - Sec. ARI S.Benedetto T. IY7GMB - Barium DX Team IY8EJ - ARI Cosenza Section IY8MD - Calabria DX Team IY8PC - ARI Portici Section IY9MD - Sec. ARI Caltanissetta Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes (FT8/FT4/RTTY/PSK). Special awards and prizes are available. For QSL info, please see for each callsign. For more details, see: OPDX