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Главная » 2021 » Февраль » 8 » Латвийская лига радиолюбителей приглашает к участию всех радиолюбителей в конкурсе на УКВ, посвященном годовщине провозглашения Латвийская Р
Латвийская лига радиолюбителей приглашает к участию всех радиолюбителей в конкурсе на УКВ, посвященном годовщине провозглашения Латвийская Р
14th November 2020, 16:00 - 21:59 UTC. 
The contest is held annually on the 
18th November or on the Saturday before 18th November Proclamation Day of the Republic of Latvia
All radio amateurs. Foreign stations should make at least one contact with Latvian radio station (YL).
 144 MHz and 432 MHz bands, Modes are FT8, CW, SSB, FM, frequencies according to the IARU Reg. 1 Band Plan.
The contest is held in six consecutive 60 minute periods.
 16:00-16:59 UTC 144 MHz band,
 FT8; 17:00-17:59 UTC 432 MHz band FT8;
 18:00-18:59; 19:00-19:59; 20:00-20:59; 21:00-21:59 UTC,
 144 MHz and 432 MHz bands, CW, SSB, FM. 
Duplicate QSO rule: during each period you can work a given station once on each band regardless of mode.
 Mixed-mode, meteor scatter, EME and contacts through active repeaters are not valid. 
Signal report (RS or RST), serial number of a QSO starting from 001 on each band 
and a 6-digit WWL symbol e. g. 59(9)001 KO26AA. For FT8 use WSJT-X EU VHF Contest mode.
 QSO numbering starts from 001 and is independent for the following bands and modes:
 144 MHz FT8; 432 MHz FT8; 144 MHz CW, SSB, FM; 432 MHz CW, SSB, FM;
For each QSO one point for every km of distance between stations,
 but 20 points per QSO if the distance is less than 20 km. Each new worked WWL grid (like KO26)
 counts for 500 bonus points. For 432 MHz points are doubled.
Latvian stations:
 1. single operator FT8, 144 MHz and 432 MHz;
 2. single operator FT8, 144Mhz;
 3. single operator FT8, 432Mhz; 
4. single operator CW, SSB, FM, 144 MHz and 432 MHz;
 5. single operator CW, SSB, FM, 144 MHz; 
6. single operator CW, SSB, FM, 432 MHz; 
7. single operator FM, 144 MHz and 432 MHz.
Foreign stations: 
1. single operator FT8, 144 MHz and 432 MHz;
 2. single operator CW, SSB, FM, 144 MHz and 432 MHz.

Computer logs in EDI format are preferred. For FT8 logs shall be made in Cabrillo format for each band.
 Logs will be accepted till 30 November. The submission of a log will be considered as a declaration that
 the participant has observed all contest rules and regulations for amateur radio in their country.

Logs shall be sent to vhf@lral.lv

Latvian stations Winners in each category will be awarded with trophies. Second and third places will be awarded with diplomas.
 If a category has less than 5 entrants, the winner will be awarded a diploma. 
Foreign stations Best foreign station in each category will be awarded with trophy. 
Second and third places will be awarded with diplomas. Best station in each category in own country will be awarded a diploma.
Просмотров: 268 | Добавил: Admin1958 | Теги: Латвийская лига радиолюбителей приг, посвященном годовщине провозглашени | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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