[NEWS UPDATE @ 0915Z] – by Al, KH7AL.KH9

While conditions to Europe last night (Wake time) were outstanding on 15m, I had to cut things short as a rain storm rolled in on me in the darkness. I was soaking wet by the time I loaded everything in the vehicle to leave. Don’t worry, my radio and paper log survived unscathed and everything was converted to my electronic log.

Here is a short video I just posted on my KH7AL YouTube page from a recent visit to Wilkes Island, part of the Wake Atoll and the National Wildlife Refuge. While there is no ham related content to the video, I share with you to let you see this very unique part of the world. I do plan to post some videos in the future of my operating locations on Wake. 

— Video / recording by Manu, F8FKI (December 27)


[DECEMER 20] – Here is Allen’s upcoming operation schedule:

  • 22 December ~ 20:00z on 10m SSB.
  • 23 December ~ 08:00z on 17m SSB.
  • 27 December – 06:30z on 15m SSB.
  • 29 December ~ 20:00z on 17m SSB.
  • 30 December ~ 08:00z on 17m SSB.


[DECEMBER 10] – Allen quite often updates his webpage with an activations blog & upcoming section. He notes that generally his days off from work are on Monday’s Wake Island time (which is GMT +12). He prefers to operate in his mornings before it gets too warm or in the late evening (local) to work into Europe; approx times to look for him are 1930-2130z or 0800 – 0930z. All pictures courtesy of KH7AL.

Sunrise on Wake Island

Allen, KH7AL/KH9 on the right

Operating out of a buggy

[DECEMBER 3] – Allen, KH7AL/KH9 on Wake Island updates to say that his equipment is a FT-891 and several dipoles covering 40-10m. While on the island he will operate SSB & some CW. Recording by DX-WORLD on December 1. Pictures of activity found here.

[NOVEMBER 27] – Allen, KH7AL recently updated his QRZ page: 

At the end of 2024, I will be operating occasionally as KH7AL/KH9 on Wake Island during my days off from work there.

I welcome working many DX from this prime spot in the Pacific. This is also a POTA location (UM-0009, Wake Island National Wildlife Refuge), Grid Square RK39, ITU Zone 65, CQ Zone 31, IOTA OC-053, DXCC Wake Island.

QSL: Bureau, Direct, or QRZ.