• [UPDATE] –

J75A will be activated from Dominica 3 Febuary to 4 March, 2025. It will be on in the ARRL DX CW contest by W6NV (J79NV) in the single SOHP 15 meter category. It will also be in the ARRL DX SSB as M/2 by FM5BH (J79BH), F8AAN (J79AN) and F5VHJ (J79AC). QSL by F5VHJ, REF Bureau, Club Log OQRS, LOTW.

  • [SEPTEMBER 28, 2024] –

Oliver, W6NV (ZD7W) writes that he – as J79NV – has plans to operate from Dominica in February 2025. Primarily QRV for the ARRL CW and SSB contests. Special club callsign of J75A has also been requested for upcoming activities.