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Главная » 2020 » Май » 12 » IPARC activity from Germany
IPARC activity from Germany
To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the International Police Association (IPA), German radio amateurs of the IPARC (IPA-Radio-Club) will be active as DL70IPA with the main activity between August 2nd and 6th, November 7th (CW) and 8th (SSB) (IPARC-Contest 2020) and various weekends.

Therefore, QSOs will be on CW and SSB, every Sunday, starting on the 
August 2nd, from 0800 UTC until 1000 UTC on QRG 7080 kHz +/- QRM, and starting Thursday, August 6th, from 0600-0700 UTC on QRG 3680 kHz +/- QRM, followed by every Sunday/Thursday until the end of 2020.

They will also try 20 meters, if the conditions are OK.

For more details, see their QRZ.com page or (https://dl0ipa.darc.de/)

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