21 сентября 2020 годаОстровная деятельность: Ниже приведены операции IOTA, которые были активны на прошлой неделе в период с 12 по 19 сентября (согласно DXCluster): IOTA Callsign Island / групповые группы / режимы ------ ---------- ------------- ------------ AF-004 EA8DHA CANARY 17m; SSB AF-004 EA8JK CANARY 20m; SSB AF-014 CT3MD MADEIRA 30m; CW AF-014 CT9ABV MADEIRA 80m; CW AF-016 FR4OM REUNION 17m; Digi AF-018 IH9YMC PANTELLERIA 80/20 / 15m; CW/FT4 AF-024 S79KW внутренний 20m; SSB AF-049 3B8CW Маврикий 30м; FT8 AN-015 8J1RL QUEEN MAUD LAND 15m; Digi AS-004 5B60AIX CYPRUS 20m; SSB АС-018 RA0FF Сахалин 30м; Digi AS-041 JL3RNZ/4 Oki 80m; CW EU-001 SV5/HB9OAU Karpathos 80 / 20m; SSB EU-002 OH0V ALAND 80m; CW EU-005 2E0FHM Великобритания 20m; Digi EU-009 GM8OFQ ORKNEY 20m; SSB EU-010 GS8VL Barra 30 / 20m; CW / SSB EU-014 TK4QL CORSICA 40m; SSB EU-015 SV9MBH CRETE 20m; Digi EU-017 ID9OSC Panarea 80/40/30/20 / 17m; SSB/CW/FT8 EU-018 OY/DL4APJ Faroe 30m; FT8 EU-021 TF3W Исландия 20m; CW EU-023 9H1SR MALTA 30m; Digi EU-024 IS0FWY SARDINIA 30m; Digi EU-025 II9IASG SICILY 40m; CW / SSB EU-031 IC8HRG CAMPANIA REGION 20m; CW EU-033 LA9PJA/P Hadsel 30m; CW EU-042 DL6BEN SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN STATE NORTH WEST 30m; Digi EU-043 SD3G / 6 Orust 40 / 20m; CW / SSB EU-065 F6hqp / P дыня 40m; SSB EU-087 SD3G Alnön 40m; SSB EU-087 SD7V / 3 Alnön 40 / 20m; SSB/CW EU-094 F4FET/P Loc ' H / Brunec 40 / 20m; CW / SSB EU-097 OH/DF9TM Orslandet 80/40/30 / 20m; SSB EU-097 OH/DL2SWW Orslandet 80/30 / 20m; CW EU-115 GI0OTC IRELAND 30m; Digi EU-121 EJ8JB Bere 80/40 / 20m; SSB EU-125 5P1J Romo 20m; SSB EU-125 5P1PT JYLLAND WEST 80/20m; SSB EU-135 SM / DL8MF VASTERBOTTEN COUNTY 30 / 20m; CW EU-175 CU3HN CENTRAL 30m; Digi EU-181 LZ1UBO BULGARIA 20m; SSB NA-015 CO8NMN CUBA 20m; SSB NA-018 OX3XR Гренландия 60м; NA-021 8P5RE Барбадос 12М; NA-022 VP2EIH ANGUILLA 20m; SSB NA-083 N3MK VIRGINIA STATE 40m; FT8 NA-096 HH2AA HAITI 20m; SSB NA-102 FG5GP Гваделупа 20м; SSB NA-107 FM4TI MARTINIQUE 17m; FT8 NA-141 W7HU FLORIDA STATE SOUTH EAST 20m; SSB NA-146 TO0Z ST. BARTHELEMY 40 / 20m; CW/SSB OC-001 VK6ML Australia 40m; Digi OC-001 VK6WB Australia 40m; Digi OC-021 8A100GB Java 20m; CW / SSB OC-021 YB0IBM Java 20m; SSB OC-088 V85A Бруней 40m; SSB OC-134 ZL3XDJ South 40m; CW OC-134 ZL4TT SOUTH 20m; CW OC-147 YG9WKB прибрежные острова Западного Папуа север 40 м; Digi OC-150 YC9HIU TENGGARA BARAT 40m; FT8 OC-151 YD6MCE/9 TENGGARA TIMUR 40m; Digi OC-201 ZL1LC побережье Северного острова 40 м; FT8 SA-011 9Z4Y TRINIDAD 20m; SSB/Digi SA-012 YV7PMG Margarita 20m; SSB SA-018 CE7VPQ LOS LAGOS REGION SOUTH 20m; SSB ** Thanks to the individuals who put the island/group and mode on their QSNs on their PacketCluster reports.... AS-013. Members of the Maldives Amateur Radio Society (MARS) are planning to be active as 8Q7RS from Dharavandhoo Island. Dates were not provided (stay tuned!). Activity will be on various HF bands. QSL via 8Q7RS. AS-152. (RI0Q Bol'shoy Begichev Island Update). From QRZ.com, date September 20th: Gentlemen, all our Arctic expeditions are very expensive. All the time, before each expedition, we always come up with something new and special to make your support of us more interesting and attractive. In this expedition we want to introduce a special QSL called "fast". All "fast" QSLs will be sent out from the very first functioning post office on our way back. Most likely it will be in Khatanga settlement (UA0A). "Fast" QSL is a special designed postcard with a real 1987 year photograph of Preobrazheniya polar meteorological station (18 km from Bolshoy Begichev Island) stamped by two stamps. The first one is the original 1987 year stamp found at Preobrazheniya station (closed in 1990 and abandoned). The second is a modern copy of this stamp made for our 2021 expedition. The cost of a QSL is 30 USDs. It can be paid via PayPal. Links are at (www.qrz.com/db/ri0q) Those who wish to receive this exclusive card must order it prior to the expedition start. All others will receive traditional confirmation (OQRS, LoTW, ClubLog). IOTA credit via ?lublog will be opened in 6 months after the end of the expedition. ---------------------------------------- EDITOR'S NOTES: Members of the Arctic Legends team (RT9K) are planning to activate the Island of Big Begichev (Bol?shoy Begichev) sometime in early 2021. The team recently received the callsign RI0Q for the DXpedition. The team is looking for funds (15,000 USDs was mentioned) to conduct this operation. To achieve their goal to operate from Bolshoj Begichev Island, the team will have to travel 3624 km (by snowmobiles 1812 km*2). Watch for updates on Twitter by Igor, UA9KDF. (https://twitter.com/ua9kdf) EU-032. Members of the Charente DX Group (CDXG) will be active as TM7R from Ré Island (DIFM AT-022) between September 26th and October 3rd. Operators mentioned are Franck/F4GBD, Eric/F5LOW, Laurent/ F5MNK, Fabrice/F5NBQ, Bertrand/F6HKA and Léon/ON4ZD/OS0S. Activity will be on various HF bands using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via ON4ZD, direct, by Bureau or ClubLog. Please use Clublog's OQRS as much as possible. EU-074. Jerry, F4HJO, will be active as F4HJO/P from Brehat Island (ARLHS FRA-463, FFF-1194, DIFM MA-012) between October 17-24th. Activity will be on 80/40/20/17 meters using mainly SSB. QSL via F4HJO, direct, by the Bureau, ClubLog's OQRS (preferred) or LoTW. EU-094. Gil, F4FET, is now active as F4FET/P from this IOTA group (currently from Cigogne Island [DIFM AT-061] as this was being written) until September 24th. Activity will be on 40/20 meters using SSB with a Ground-plane and 100w. QSL via his home callsign or ClubLog. Watch QRZ.com for updates. EU-120. Dave, M0VDL, will be active as M0VDL/p from Lundy Island between September 26th and October 1st. Activity will be mainly on 40/20 meters, possibly 80m, using SSB and FT8. He states, "Will be on the air primarily in the mornings and late afternoon/evening UK time, unless the weather is really bad when I'll be on the air more." QSL via eQSL. EU-121. Charlie, EI8JB, reports that he will be active for a number of days from Bere Island from September 16th, Grid square IO51CP and Worked All Ireland Square V74. He hopes to be active on HF Phone, CW, RTTY and PSK. There may be a chance that he will also be active on the occasional FM Satellite pass. He will be uploading his EJ log to LoTW. QSL via LoTW, by the Bureau or Clublog's OQRS. ЕС-125. Volker, DJ8VW, снова активен как 5P8VW с острова Ромо (WWFF OZFF-0004) до 28 сентября. Активность будет включена 160-6 метров, включая полосы 30/17 / 12 м, с использованием CW, SSB и FT8. QSL через DJ8VW ONLY DIRECT, LoTW, eQSL или Clublog's OQRS. На-151. Bo, OZ1DJJ, снова будет активен как OX3LX из Tasiilaq Островные острова (WW Loc. HP15EO), Гренландия, между сентябрем 26-30. Даты можно менять; смотрите QRZ.com. активность будет находиться на 40-4 метрах с фокусом 50 и 70 МГц. Когда он не активен, он будет запускать Маяк WSPR на 40-6 метров. Он утверждает, что это Это не DXpedition, и лучший шанс поработать с ним будет рядом обеденное время и после обеда (его местное время UTC-2), а также во время выходные, возможно, ночью / утром. QSL через OZ0J direct (см. QRZ.com). журналы загружаются в LoTW, ClubLog и несколько раз в eQSL. Для получения более подробной информации и обновлений смотрите QRZ.com или его веб-страница по адресу: http://geronne.dk/index.php/ox3lx/ox3lx-dxped ЙОТА ТУР. Андрей, R1FW, как ожидается, начнет IOTA tour как R1FW / 0 с следующих островов в период с 22 по 30 сентября: Сахалин (АС-018), Итуруп (АС-025) и Кунашир (АС-025). Активность будет осуществляться на 40/30/20 метрах с использованием CW и SSB, с Elecraft KX2 и "Malamute M2MINI" в качестве резервного радио. QSL через его домашний позывной, напрямую или через Бюро. Обратите внимание: так как вебмастеры нового <www.iota-world.org> есть решил не публиковать и не посвящать веб-страницу объявлению о предстоящей IOTA операции, пожалуйста, отправьте вашу информацию об операциях IOTA в OPDX, и мы опубликуем его здесь в следующем бюллетене...... OPDX