IOTA News from OPDXApril 19, 2021Island activities: The following are IOTA operations that were active this past week between April 12-17th (as per the DXCluster): IOTA Callsign Island/GROUP Bands/Modes ------ ---------- ------------- ------------ AF-004 EA8CVZ Canary 20m; SSB AF-004 EA8JK Canary 17m; FT8 AF-004 EA8UP Canary 20m; SSB AF-018 IH9YMC Pantelleria 17m; CW AF-019 IG9ITO Lampedusa 40/20m; SSB AF-019 IG9ITO Lampedusa 20m; SSB AF-022 ZD7FT ST HELENA 20/17m; SSB AF-024 S79KW INNER 20m; SSB AN-010 DT8A King George 17/12m; CW/FT8 AS-006 VR2CH HONG KONG 20m; FT8 AS-007 JH7MQD HONSHU 40m; SSB AS-007 JH3NGD HONSHU 17m; SSB AS-007 JH7RXU HONSHU 30m; FT8 AS-032 JH6DUL OSUMI 20m; FT8 AS-078 JA8FXO Hokkaido 17m; CW AS-045 HL5FUA KYONGSANG-BUKTO PROVINCE 20m; FT8 AS-100 4X5KR ISRAEL 20m; SSB AS-105 HL1IWD/2 Kyong-do Province 20m; CW EU-003 CU2AP EASTERN 20m; FT4 EU-004 EA6Y BALEARIC 20m; SSB EU-005 G1UBL Great Britain 40m; SSB EU-005 M7OJA/P Great Britain 20m; SSB EU-005 MM0DHQ Great Britain 20m; FT4 EU-009 GM8OFQ ORKNEY 40m; SSB EU-009 MM5DWW ORKNEY 15m; FT8 EU-018 OY1CT FAROE 20m; CW EU-024 IS0SLM SARDINIA 30m; FT8 EU-025 IT9FRX SICILY 20m; SSB EU-025 IT9ZRZ SICILY 20m; FT8 EU-031 IC8DAK CAMPANIA REGION 20m; SSB EU-031 IC8HRG CAMPANIA REGION 17m; SSB EU-041 IM0FFM MADDALENA 40m; SSB EU-115 EI8GS IRELAND 20m; FT8 EU-115 MI0NWA IRELAND 20m; FT8 EU-115 EI6FR/P IRELAND 30m; CW EU-123 MS0INT Bass Rock 40/20m; CW/SSB EU-146 PA3ESJ ZUID HOLLAND/ZEELAND PROVINCE 20m; FT8 EU-172 OZ7PR/P JYlland East & Fyn 40m; SSB EU-175 CU3AC Center 17m; SSB EU-181 LZ1UBO BULGARIA 20m; SSB NA-005 VP9GE Bermuda 10m; FT8 NA-015 CO8WN CUBA 20m; CW NA-018 OX3LX GREENLAND 20m; FT4 NA-032 FP5CJ St Pierre 20m; SSB NA-059 NL8F FOX 20m; FT8 NA-096 HH2AA HISPANIOLA 10m; FT8 NA-097 6Y5HN Jamaica 10m; FT8 NA-099 NP3A PUERTO RICO 17m; SSB NA-099 WP4J PUERTO RICO 20m; FT8 NA-099 WP4RTA PUERTO RICO 20m; SSB NA-102 FG5GP GUADELOUPE 20m; SSB NA-103 VP2MNI Montserrat 20m; SSB NA-134 OX3LX GREENLAND'S COASTAL ISLANDS NORTH WEST 30m; FT8 NA-135 XE3AA CAMPECHE STATE 12m; FT8 OC-001 VK2BGL Australia 40m; FT8 OC-013 E51JD RAROTONGA 20/15m; SSB OC-021 YB0IBM JAVA 20m; SSB OC-021 YB0AR JAVA 20m; SSB OC-021 YB0TOP JAVA 20m; SSB OC-021 YC0AGW JAVA 20m; SSB OC-021 YB1DNF JAVA 15m; SSB OC-021 YB1KI JAVA 20m; SSB OC-032 FK8HM NEW CALEDONIA 20m; FT4 OC-032 FK8IK NEW CALEDONIA 40m; CW OC-042 4I1EBD LUZON 20m; SSB OC-070 YB8XOB AMBON 17m; FT8 OC-075 YE5XY BATAM 17m; FT8 OC-088 9M6TMT BORNEO 20m; SSB OC-134 ZL4AS South 10m; FT8 OC-143 YC5NHD Sumatra 20m; FT4 SA-008 LU9XT ISLA GRANDE DE TIERRA DEL FUEGO 30m; FT8 SA-018 CE7VPQ LOS LAGOS REGION SOUTH 20m; SSB SA-021 LU2MCX BUENOS AIRES PROVINCE 10m; SSB SA-099 PJ2/NA2U CURACAO 20m; CW ** Thanks to the individuals who put the island/group and mode on their QSNs on their PacketCluster reports. The format we suggest is "Mode/IOTA#/Island or Group" (ex. FT8/OC-146/Celebes). AF-019. Members of Oriental Sicily Contest Team (OSCT - IB9O) will be active as IG9OSC from Linosa Island (ww Loc. JM65ku), Italy, between May 19-23rd. Activity will be on various HF bands. QSL via IG9OSC, direct, LoTW or ClubLog's OQRS. AS-018/ Members of the Russian Robinsons Club (RRC) will be active AS-025. as RI0FF from Iturup Island (AS-025, RR-15-04), Kuril Islands, between July 28th and August 3rd, and from Sakhalin Island (AS-018) between August 4-6th. Operators mentioned are Eugene/RZ3EC, Andrey/R6MG, Sergey/M0MSV/RA3NAN, Serge/RX3F, Vladimir/RN3BL and Daniil/R6LGT. Activity will be on various HF bands. QSL Manager is RZ3EC. QSL via ClubLog's OQRS (preferred). For more details and updates, see: EU-111. Nobby, G0VJG, announced that he is organizing an IOTA trip to Monarch Islands, Scotland, mainly for the RSGB IOTA Contest and for 5 days of plenty of IOTA activity. He is looking for operators (team player/contester) that have 8 days to spare starting July 20th, please contact him. EU-049. Juergen, DK3SJ, is now active as SV8/DK3SJ from Lesbos Island until April 24th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via his home callsign or eQSL. EU-068. Members of the Radio Club Du Bassin Minier (F6KJS) are organizing DXpedition to the Isle of Sein (IOTA rank 51.4%, WW Loc. IN78NA79) between May 27th and June 7th. Their special callsign will be TM6KJS. There will be 10 operators (9 on the island and 1 assistant in Burgundy). Operators mentioned are Didier/F6BCW, Pascal/F1MNQ, Pierre/F1TCV, Jean-Pierre/F0EWK, Lilian/F5SIK, Michel/F5LRL, Keith/VE7KW, Jean-Michel/F1COB, Jean-Michel/F4EHA and Christian/F4CXO. Activity will be on 80m-23cm using 6 stations. QSL info will be determined. Visit their Web site at: UPDATE: There will be QO-100 activity during the DXpedition: EU-089. If you worked CQ83AS this past week, it was Antonio, CU8AS, celebrating his 83rd birthday with a special event callsign CQ83AS from Flores Island. He is expected to go QRT on April 19th. QSL via HB9CRV. EU-123. Operators Declan/EI6FR, Col/MM0NDX, Jonathan/MM0OKG and a cameraman were active as MS0INT from Bass Rock on April 17th. Activity was on 40/20 meters using only CW and SSB. Col states,"This was a short activity with no Sunday operating as expected. It was 99% EU who made the log with a handful of NA." Log should be on ClubLog by the time you read this. QSL via EB7DX. Some video is on at: OC-138. Steve, VK6SJ, will be active as VK6SJ/4 from Iama Island (or Yam), Thursday and Poruma (or Coconut) Islands in the Torres Strait Group between April 26th and May 4th. He states that he will be operating evenings only because of work. Equipment is a FT-857D and simple wire antennas. Steve states, "Most likely only be using FT8, but if someone E-mails me separately and I have the time, I could do the odd SSB and CW contact....QSLs will be electronic only (QRZ, eQSL & LoTW) to keep it simple." PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of the new have decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX, and we will post it here in an upcoming bulletin...... Check-out the latest IOTA News from the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club Поделитесь этой страницей