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Главная » 2018 » Август » 16 » IOTA News

IOTA News from the
Deutscher Amateur Radio Club

16 August, 2018

Island activities:

CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz

AF-064; ZS, Western Cape Province South West group: A team consisting of Jan/ZS1VDV, Paul/ZS1V, Andre/ZS1AN, Johan/ZS1A, Pierre/ZS6A, and Oleg/ZS1ANF activates Robben Island from the 17th until the 20th. QRV as ZS9V on 80-10m (CW, SSB, digital modes) and from the lighthouse on Robben Island (ILLW ZA0008, WLOTA 0025, WW Loc. JF96ee) for the weekend. QSL via M0OXO. http://zs9v.org.za/

AS-065; R0K, Chukchi Sea Coast East group: RT65KI will be operating
from Idlidlya Island (RDA CK-08, RRA RR-11-06, RLHA RLA-035, WLOTA
2266, WW Loc. AP37ob) between the 19th and 25th. QRV on 40-10m (CW, SSB). QSL via UA3AKO (d/B), ClubLog OQRS.

AS-084; HL4, Cheju-Do Province (Ch'uja Islands) group: Members of
the Gwangju DX Club activate Hachiuja Island from the 15th until the 18th. QRV as D73G on 80-6m on CW, SSB, and digital modes. QSL via HL4CEL (d), 6L0NJ (B).

EU-053; OJ0/SM, Market Reef: A group of young operators (Youth On
The Air) will be active from Market Reef (ARLHS MAR-001, OHFF-0038,
WLOTA 0542) between Aug. 18 and 25 as OJ0C. QSL via OH3JR.

EU-043; SM, Goteborg och Bohus/ Halland County group: Baldur/DJ6SI
currently operates as SD6X from Hamneskar Island until Aug 20 and
plans to activate the Pater Noster Lighthouse (ILLW SE0030) during
the weekend. QSL via DJ6SI.

EU-094; F, Bretagne (Finestere South) Region group: On the 18th and
19th Gil/F4FET operates from Mountons Island and the local lighthouse (ILLW FR0024, ARLHS FRU-043, DPLF PB003, WLOTA 0002, FFF-0700, DIFM AT009) as F4FET/p. QRV on 80-17m (SSB). QSL via F4FET (d/B).

NA-085; W4, Florida State North West (Bay to Wakulla County) group:
Wey/K8EAB will be active from St. George Island between Aug. 20 and
25 as K4G. QSL via ClubLog and K8EAB (d).

NA-134; OX, Greenland: Watch out for Bo/OZ1DJJ operating from
Uummannaq Island as OX3LX between Aug. 15 and 29. Operating hours
are limited to his spare time (meals, morning and evening hours).
QSL via OZ0J (d/B), ClubLog OQRS, LoTW.

SA-055; LU, Buenos Aires (Delta del Parana) Province group: Members
of the Radio Club Argentino (Juan Ignacio/LU8ARI, Fernando/ LU1ARG,
Carlos/LU1BCE, Diego/LU2CDE, Juan Manuel/LU4CJM, Claudio/LW3DN, and Gonzalo/LU3BGC) will be operating as LR5D from Martin Garcia Island between the 16th and 20th. QRV on 80-10m on SSB, CW, and digital modes. QSL via LU4AA (d/B).

OC-014; A3, Tongatapu Group: Between Aug. 15 and Sept. 19 DL7JLL
will be active as A35JLL from several islands on 40, 20, 15, and 10m (SSB only). QSL via DL7JLL (d/B).

OC-213; YB8, Togian Islands: YB3MM/8, YB8OUN/8, YC8OBM/8, YD8MGN/8, and friends are activating Waleakodi Island between the 18th and 21st on 40, 30, and 20m (CW, FT8) with three rigs. For QSL
information see qrz.com.

Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
e-mail: iota@dxhf.darc.de

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