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Главная » 2022 » Февраль » 17 » Hamfest’s amateur radio fun coming to Orange Feb. 26
Hamfest’s amateur radio fun coming to Orange Feb. 26

"When all else fails, amateur radio is there,” says Mike Manshack, public information coordinator for the American Radio Relay League.

The League is hosting its annual Hamfest fundraiser Feb. 26 at the Orange County Convention & Expo Center from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The event is $8 for anyone over the age of 12 years old.

"We usually have averaged 400 people who like to visit the Hamfest every year and our goal is to interest the youth into joining the amateur radio world,” said Manshack. "It is a hobby but has a very serious side as well.”

In 2003, a space shuttle crashed near Jasper, and the FBI sought the help of amateur radio repeaters to assist during the duration of the tragedy.

According to history.com, the space shuttle, Columbia, crashed 80 seconds after launching due to a piece of foam insulation that broke off from the shuttle’s propellant tank and hit the edge of the shuttle’s left wing.

Cameras focused on the launch sequence revealed the foam collision, but engineers could not pinpoint the location and extent of the damage. Although similar incidents occurred on three prior shuttle launches without causing critical damage, some engineers at the space agency believed the damage to the wing could cause a catastrophic failure.

Their concerns were not addressed in the two weeks that Columbia spent in orbit because NASA management believed that even if major damage had been caused, there was little that could be done to remedy the situation.

Manshack said Feb. 26’s event provides hands-on activities and speakers who cover topics that range from history to current issues.


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