The CY9C St. Paul Team welcomes an additional member…Adrian KO8SCA. Most of you recognize him from the many DXpeditions he has been on. He is joining a Team of outstanding DXpeditioners and his expertise will only add to the fun! He will be joining us on St. Paul following his participation in the upcoming Jarvis Island DXpedition N5J. From one side of the world to another! Thanks Adrian…see you soon!
- [JULY 19] – Lou, N2TU reports:
CY9C will have an All-Time-New- One day, depending on the weather and propagation conditions. It will probably be in the second week of the operation. Please, please if you hear us asking for ATNO do not try to work us again! We want to get everyone in the log…at least once!
Meanwhile, the team will be using eight generators:
Our ‘power plant(s) are 8 Honda generators to power the rigs, amps, computers, lights, kitchen (Mess Tent), fans and anything else needing AC. CY9C is serious about getting everyone in the log!
Support the team here
- [JULY 18] –
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada has executed the license to access the Northeast Island of St Paul. WA4DAN signed the agreement, paid the $500 fee on behalf of the team and returned it to the DFO. As part of the license, there was a 930 page "Environmental Site Assessment and Human Health Ecological Risk Assessment”. In short, this assessment lists and explains all of the hazards with visiting St Paul Island. The CY9C team was required to obtain a $1 million dollar liability insurance policy. Both the license and the insurance are in force from August 21 – September 7, 2024. The actual dates of the DXpedition are August 26 – September 5. The team wanted a little buffer in the access time to get gear to and back from the island. Donations to help offset the high cost of the two helicopters and the boat are much appreciated and came be made through our website: