- [QRT] –
Final log not yet uploaded (as at 0400z, Nov 30th), but team made over 10K QSOs holiday style. Picture courtesy of the team.
- [NOVEMBER 28] –
Team arrived late at night on November 25th. They erected a 30m vertical and made a few hundred QSOs initially. Following day, all planned antennas (except 60m) were installed and ready for use.
Upload of log takes place every morning. Club Log: Log Search – C5T
A few pics courtesy of Col MM0NDX
- [NOVEMBER 24] –
During today and tomorrow, all team members will be making their way to The Gambia via Barcelona. All going well, approx QRV late evening local on Monday (25th). All relevant info detailed below.
- [NOVEMBER 9] –
Team had a Zoom meeting few days ago to go over everything. This is not going to be a full-blown 24/7 DXpedition for following reasons:
1/ Some of the ops will do IOTA AF-060 – callsign C5I.
2/ One or two will stay at hotel during the IOTA activity – callsign C5T.
Team are mindful of the fact 3D2Y, TL8ES and 9L5A have band plans.
There’s been hardly any activity from C5 in approx 18 months.
– Bands: 60-6m. Focus on higher bands. No low bands (80 or 160m)
– Antennas: 1/4 wave verticals, a 15-6m portable Hexbeam and a 60m dipole.
– Amps: 1 x JUMA, 1 x RM Italy.
– LoTW uploads planned for during the activity, if not when they return home without delay (and any unnecessary cost).
– Undecided on MSHV or F/H.
– CW & SSB more than FT8 (unless conditions are not so good).
– All going well they will use Club Log livestream.
On November 24 / 25 team leave homes for the journey to C5.
- [OCTOBER 7] –
Team have set up a Facebook group so you can follow their journey along the way. Click the banner below and join them. They are running a survey to see which bands you might still need C5 on.
- [AUGUST 24] –
The C5T & C5I team consisting of EA3NT, EI5GM, EI9FBB, MM0NDX & MM0OKG is very pleased to inform that both callsigns are no longer pending and official radio licenses have been issued for their late November ’24 DXpedition to The Gambia.
A short activity spanning November 25-29 will see the group operate from the mainland (as C5T) and possibly from the Bijol islands, AF-060 (as C5I). They plan to QRV on various bands and modes, including 60m and 6m. (AF-060 has never been activated on 6m).
QSL via EA5GL. Free for everyone LoTW uploads will be done without any delay, perhaps even during the DXpedition, and they solicit no donations or sponsors for their activity.