• [NEWS UPDATE] – Phill, FK1TS / C21TS writes:

I had previously stated that I would finish in February 2025 in Nauru, but I have decided to stick it out a bit longer. Plans at this stage are to stay at least until September 2025 then take 2 months leave..after that?

The time here has been interesting and I have seen Nauru move from 54 on the most wanted to 106. That’s mostly down to myself and of course C21MM in October last year (90K QSO). Currently C21TS is at 83,000 QSO with minimal dupes as I do not use MSHV. I am hoping to leave here with 100K. My DXCC count is at 221 confirmed as I do some chasing as well as being chased.

The station is modest and mostly operate at 25 watts FT8 into a small vertical on 30m and above. I use a EFHW on 40m and 80m. I might try do some SSB in coming months. CW not going to happen. I will attempt to get something going on 160m but no promises. However, without an amplifier that might be dreaming a bit.