Operators George/AA7JV, Tomi/HA7RY, Mike/KN4EEI, Don/N1DG, Gregg/W6IZT and Hal/W8HC will be active as C6AGU from Wood Cay (NA-001) during the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 27-28th and the ARRL 160m CW Contest (December 3-5th). Activity outside of the contest will be on 160-10 meters with a focus on the low bands, using CW, SSB and FT8. Once again, this will be a "RIB" (Radio In a Box) operation aboard the catamaran "MV MAGNET". For details, see QRZ.com under C6AGU and the video on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/bRJjEUHiGSM This operation will be using six "RIBs" with amps into various verticals. QSL via HA7RY, or Club Log or LoTW. Please note that this operation is dependent on travel plans due to Convid OPDX Поделитесь этой страницей
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