· Single Operator - CW - HIGH/LOW POWER · Single Operator - SSB - HIGH/LOW POWER · Single Operator - RTTY - HIGH/LOW POWER · Single Operator - MIXED - HIGH/LOW POWER · Multi Operator - Single TX - MIXED HIGH POWER · Multi Operator - Multi TX - MIXED HIGH POWER · SWL - Single Operator - MIXED a) Single operator stations are allowed to have a single signal emitted at any given time. b) The use of packet cluster, skimmers or other warning systems is permitted. c) Self-spotting or asking other stations to place your spots is unacceptable. d) "Multi Operator - Single TX" stations must adhere to the "10 minute rule" (for both RUN and MULT transmitters). Only one range and type of modulation can be used. A different range or type of operation may be used to take the new multiplier. The change in range/type of work is counted from the moment of the first communication. Communications made in violation of the "10 minutes” rule will be removed from the report, but no penalty points will be awarded for them. Please remember that excessive violations may result in disqualification. e) In LOW POWER categories, the transmitter output power is no more than 100 W. f) Prohibited "dual-CQ" on one band. g) For "Multi-Operator Multi TX" a single emitted signal is allowed on each band.
Participants from Italy transmit RS(T) and the two-letter designation of the Italian province. The remaining participants transmit RS(T) and the QSO serial number, starting from 001. The QSO numbering is continuous throughout the entire competition (in particular, it is not allowed to start QSO numbering from 001 on each band or in each type of work). "Multi-Operator Multi TX" use independent numbering for each range.