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Personal site of the amateur radio operator UR3LTD Web site UR7QM
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Главная » 2021 » Апрель » 3 » ACMA seeks feedback on draft five-year spectrum outlook
ACMA seeks feedback on draft five-year spectrum outlook
WIA News reports Australia's communications regulator, the ACMA, is requesting comments on its draft spectrum outlook 2021-2-25

The WIA News story says:

A little light reading for Easter arrived on our desktops last Monday the 29th [March] from ACMA who are seeking feedback on the draft Five-year spectrum outlook 2021-26 (FYSO).

This is NOT to be confused with ACMA's proposals for the possible class licencing document, the A, B and C proposal. This new draft FYSO provides a broad overview of trends that affect spectrum management and factors used to inform the ACMA's planning and spectrum allocationpriorities.

The draft FYSO is some 71 pages and includes a detailed annual work program, with activities and milestones for the 2021-22 financial year. ACMA's extensive planning activity to support the deployment of 5G services in Australia continues to inform priorities in their allocation work plan.

Pages 18 and 19 do revisit the ACMAs Consultation paper on Future Amateur Radio Service licensing.  In early 2021, they sought views on their review of non-assigned amateur licensing arrangements. the aim was to find the best licensing mechanism to reduce regulatory burden and minimise cost.

ACMAs preferred approach is to authorise the operation of non-assigned amateur and outpost stations under a class licence. they will assess submissions received against objectives for the review and preferred option.

The new document issued Monday last also states "We are also aware that many amateurs continue to be interested in operating their stations at higher power limits. Pending implementation of the outcomes associated with the review of licensing arrangements, we are examining the feasibility of, and options for, higher power licensing. We will consult with the amateur community on regulatory proposals.

So settle back, read the 71 pages and give YOUR feedback by close of business, Wednesday 28 April.

Draft Five-year spectrum outlook 2021–26

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