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Главная » 2021 » Апрель » 29 » A.R.I. International DX Contest 2021
A.R.I. International DX Contest 2021

The ARI - Associazione Radioamatori Italiani - is glad to invite you to the 

ARI International DX Contest 

which will be held starting at 12z the 1st May 2021 and ending at 11.59z the 2nd May 2021.

The contest is a worldwide competition, so anyone can work anyone on CW, SSB, and RTTY on 80m to 10m bands

 (no WARC bands).
You can find the detailed rules here: http://www.ari.it/en/contest-hf/ari-international.html

Hope to hear all of you during the weekend!

Filippo IZ1LBG
ARI HF Contest Manager

ARI - Associazione Radioamatori Italiani -

 рада пригласить вас на международный конкурс ARI DX Contest, который будет проводиться 

с 12 часов 1 мая 2021 года до 11 часов 59 минут 2 мая 2021 года.

Конкурс является всемирным, поэтому любой может работать с кем угодно на диапазонах CW, SSB и RTTY на диапазонах от 80 м до 10 м (без диапазонов WARC).

Вы можете найти подробные правила здесь: 


Надеюсь услышать всех вас в выходные!

Филиппо IZ1LBG

ARI HF Contest Manager

ARI contest 2021

Posted: 28 Apr 2021 09:06 AM PDT

the ARI - Associazione Radioamatori Italiani - is glad to invite you to the 

ARI International DX Contest 

which will be held starting at 12z the 1st May 2021 and ending at 11.59z the 2nd May 2021.

The contest is a worldwide competition, so anyone can work anyone on CW, SSB, and RTTY on 80m to 10m bands

 (no WARC bands).
You can find the detailed rules here: http://www.ari.it/en/contest-hf/ari-international.html

Hope to hear all of you during the weekend!

Filippo IZ1LBG
ARI HF Contest Manager

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