[UPDATE] – Team 6O3T now have dates for their DXpedition: September 9-30, 2024. The location will be in the northern part of the country in the state of Somaliland. Special focus on low bands and 6m; SSB, CW & Digi. Full details here. Initial breaking news from January below.

  • [JANUARY 20]

We are excited to share with you our upcoming DXpedition to Somaliland.

Somaliland is one of the 5 states that make up the de-facto country called Somalia. A difficult territory that has never been spared from war and famine. An exciting and complicated DXpedition, in a turbulent territory, and not always easy to activate.

Date: TBA for security reasons
Location: Somaliland
️ Call: 6O3T

According to Club Log rankings, Somalia ranks 53rd on the most wanted List, and with various requests on digital modes, NA / JA area, 6 meters and low bands. Our website is currently being prepared. Any news will be reported on these pages and on the usual ham radio news websites. Follow us for real-time updates, Q&A sessions and much more. Your participation makes this DXpedition even more special!

Thank you for your continued support!

[DXexplorer Team]