• [NEWS] –

We are pleased to announce that the much-anticipated DXpedition will take place this September. This event represents an important opportunity for most operator to achieve the long-awaited "new one” or simply the chance to fill some missing slots.

We would like to inform the entire community that, although the month of September has been confirmed, the specific dates will not be announced at this time. We are diligently working to finalize the details and ensure that everyone can enjoy the event safely, especially in light of the latest news from the areas where we will be operating.

We invite you to stay updated through our official channels for further announcements regarding the dxpedition. We appreciate your patience and enthusiasm, and we look forward to welcoming you to this extraordinary DXpedition.

We have also activated a new WhatsApp channel where interested parties can follow our activities in real-time here.

  • [AUGUST 5] 

Team 6O3T now have dates for their DXpedition: September 9-30, 2024. The location will be in the northern part of the country in the state of Somaliland. Special focus on low bands and 6m; SSB, CW & Digi. Full details here. Initial breaking news from January below.

  • [JANUARY 20]

We are excited to share with you our upcoming DXpedition to Somaliland.

Somaliland is one of the 5 states that make up the de-facto country called Somalia. A difficult territory that has never been spared from war and famine. An exciting and complicated DXpedition, in a turbulent territory, and not always easy to activate.

Date: TBA for security reasons
Location: Somaliland
️ Call: 6O3T

According to Club Log rankings, Somalia ranks 53rd on the most wanted List, and with various requests on digital modes, NA / JA area, 6 meters and low bands. Our website is currently being prepared. Any news will be reported on these pages and on the usual ham radio news websites. Follow us for real-time updates, Q&A sessions and much more. Your participation makes this DXpedition even more special!

Thank you for your continued support!

[DXexplorer Team]