• [QRT]

5H1WX is now QRT with the last QSO at 03:08utc on 40mt FT8 with W5ZP. Final QSO count was 41325 QSO’s. 

  • [OCTOBER 4

With nearly 40K QSOs in the log, there’s 2 days remaining of the 5H1WX DXpedition. Vlad continues to QRV on CW, SSB & FT8 modes. Pictures courtesy of OK2WX.


We remind everyone that the network connection on Mafia island is almost non-existent, with a minimum connection. Vlad is sending the logs but it does not always work, so you could see your QSO even after a few minutes in moments of very high rate, due to the low internet bandwidth available. If you are sure of your QSO, do not call back after a few seconds because you do not see the call go online, we only remove the possibility for others to make their QSO – [tnx I8KHC]

XYL Paula @ 5H1WX

  • [SEPTEMBER 25] –

Today, at low tide, Vlad laid out radials above the salt water. He says the water is hundreds of meters away from his location, and the difference between high and low tide is 0.5m to 4m. New pictures credit OK2WX. QSO count is approaching 20K QSOs – are you in the log

  • [SEPTEMBER 23] – 

Vlad updates to say there’s a big issue with regards electricity / power on the island.  The problem is similar to when he was in Yemen (7O2WX) while using generator as power source. As per the video, at idle it gives 250V and 40Hz, but when he transmits with say 800W out, the voltage drops to 170-150v, and the frequency changes from 39 to 45 Hz. Using 100w on FT8 it’s ok and approx 300w on CW is also ok, but no more than that.  Vlad goes on to say that unfortunately the whole island has a power supply problem – sometimes it doesn’t run all day. In total, three generators have been used, each one more scrap than the other.

  • [SEPTEMBER 22] –

Approaching 10,000 QSOs, Vlad has now assembed his Spiderbeam so will be on more bands shortly. Pictures courtesy 5H1WX. Audio recording by DX-WORLD. 

  • [SEPTEMBER 19] – 

Approx 250 QSOs made on 80m yesterday, says Vlad 5H1WX. Much of the day was used up sourcing a generator, however electricity was eventually supplied to the house in the evening.  More antennas to be built later today, including using the house roof. Pictures courtesy of OK2WX.


  • [QRV] –

Just before 1900z, 5H1WX started activity on 80m FT8. QTH is shown in picture. 

  • [SEPTEMBER 17 @ 2040z] – 

Now arrived Mafia island. Look for 5H1WX tomorrow (Sept 18th local). Pictures by OK2WX.

  • [SEPTEMBER 17 @ 1400z] –

Vlad and Paula arrived Dar es Saalam, Tanzania earlier today. They’re now waiting for the small Cessna airplane that will take them to Mafia island.


Vlad, OK2WX and XYL Paula are now on the way with 148kg of luggage. Flight: Vienna-Addis Abbab-Dar es Saalam (ETH-725). Pictures credit OK2WX. 

  • [JUNE 21] –

Vlad OK2WX informs DX-World that he will be on the air from Mafia island, AF-054 – Tanzania as 5H1WX during September 18  to October 6, 2024. QRV on 80-10m; CW, SSB & DIGI.  (Mafia Island was last activated in 2019, says Vlad). QSL via I8KHC – webpage.