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Главная » 2021 » Январь » 5 » 3y0i Остров Буве
3y0i Остров Буве

3Y0I Остров Буве Новости 5 января 2021 года

Некоторые члены повстанческой группы DX прибыли в Кейптаун, Южная Африка. После нескольких протоколов Covid мы находимся в хороших руках наших друзей ZS и местных сторонников. Просто чтобы напомнить вам, что все наше экспедиционное оборудование с первой "атаки" Буве было обеспечено в QTH Андре ZS1AN. Какой он замечательный парень!! В ближайшие дни мы еще раз проверим все наше экспедиционное снаряжение. Вчера у нас был очень напряженный день с Шоном ZS1SBW, работая над важными документами для предстоящих проектов. Более подробная информация об этом скоро появится. Поездка в Буве (3Y0I) идет полным ходом. Все еще отсутствует какой-то бюджет, но мы надеемся получить часть недостающих $$$. Наша последняя попытка обошлась нам более чем в 250 тысяч долларов частных денег (пожертвования составили всего 7%), и, к сожалению, они пошли на "трубу судна" (для топлива). Будем надеяться, что на этот раз нам повезет больше. Вот ссылка, Если вы готовы помочь. https://www.gofundme.com/f/3yi-bouvet-island-expedition К вашему сведению, мы не будем обращаться за финансовой поддержкой ни в один фонд DX или крупные клубы, так как их условия неприемлемы для нас для поездки в одно из самых разыскиваемых учреждений DXCC; и одно из самых трудных мест для посещения на НАШЕЙ ПЛАНЕТЕ.

3y0i Остров Буве Новости 3 ноября 2020 года

3y0i Остров Буве Новости 3 ноября 2020 года

Мы все еще настаиваем с недостающим бюджетом ($24300), чтобы завершить последний платеж за судно, чтобы сделать 3y0i. До сих пор (как международная команда) мы все еще не можем поехать в Южную Африку из-за ситуации с Ковидом. Буве не отменяется! Все наше оборудование готово там, ждет нас.
время бежит как сумасшедшее, к тому же антарктическое лето не будет ждать нас так долго… Пожалуйста, имейте в виду, что нам, возможно, придется перенести эту поездку на следующий сезон.
Тем временем дом 3Z9DX получил разрешение фиджийского правительства на поездку на тихоокеанскую базу повстанцев в качестве резервного плана. Вокруг есть три разных DXCC: 3d2 / C Conway, 3d2 / R Rotuma, 3D2 Fiji + несколько IoT, включая некоторые очень редкие группы. К сожалению, сезон циклонов начинается с ноября по март… так что все выглядит очень сложно и тяжело с логистической точки зрения. Посмотрим, что получится

3Y0I Bouvet Island News 16 June 2020

3Y0I Bouvet Island DX Pedition News 16 June 2020

After today's telephone conversation with the Norwegian Polar Institute, we learned that the Institute suspends all scientific expeditions to a small weather base located on the west side of the Bouvet island.

It is very likely that the station was swept to the ocean by '' landslide ''.

The 3Y0I radio expedition is not at risk. We are keep pushing to get a full budget before we set a sail again by end of the year.

Our base will be established on the eastern side of the island on the glacier. This part of the island is not exposed to the worst western winds, waves and landslides.

we want to remind you that we have access to accurate, current satellite photographic data of our landing site.

Dom 3z9dx also has over 100 pictures from his non-radio visit and materials from other people who had visited the island.

We are really well prepared to do this job.

Now is your turn to help or forget about Bouvet in the log.

Rebel Team update

We are on track with 3Y0I Bouvet project. Still missing some budget but we are getting closer and closer. Second attempt will take place in December 2020.
Before December, Rebels are moving to Pacific to activate Banaba Island (callsign secured T33T).
This activity will start in fist half of 2020.
After Banaba we will sail to T2 Tuvalu (working on callsign T22T)
During April we will also be active from 2 IOTAs OC 156 and OC 121
Stay tuned

3Y0I Bouvet Island News 30 November 2019

3Y0I Bouvet Island DX Pedition News 30 November 2019

Another great news!

Following the generous grant of U$25.000 today we received an donation from amateur radio enthusiast who donate PayPal of 10.000 USD shrinking our missing budget to 55 thousands USD. We're are very grateful for supporting and believing in our project. We strongly encourage to donate via our GoFundMe page ( https://www.gofundme.com/f/3y0i-bouvet-island-expedition )where it's possible to place donor's callsign and list your name among other donors who have been backing the 3YØI DXpedition.

3Y0I News 16 November 2019

The Lottery Announcement
It’s been 3 weeks since we have launched our fundraising for the 3YØI DXpedition at GoFundMe.com and we have some news to share. In such a short time, with your generous help, we have managed to collect more than 10% of the missing budget. That is really really kind of all supporters and it gives us hope to make things happen and the 2nd attempt to "attack” Bouvet to take place. The complete list of the supporters is listed at our GoFundMe page.

We received a couple of questions about why there are some callsigns missing next to a couple of donors’ names. Please don’t forget to insert your callsign while posting your donation at GoFunDMe. Once donated, we cannot edit names corresponding to existing donors – due to transparency reasons, we’ve got no access to such page edits.

As we said in our previous news, donors supporting our 1st attempt to reach Bouvet island weren’t forgotten. We’re happy to announce that we will draw lots among all donors who donated the first attempt of the 3YØI Expedition, with U$ 199 or more, on Wednesday – November 20, 2019. The entire process will be transmitted live online and the winners will be announced at our website, Facebook and Twitter accounts.

3 individuals, +1 accompanying person each, will get a free 10-days long trip aboard of the Rebel DX Catamaran among Fiji’s islands. Dates and details to arrange with each winner-participant individually, of course.

We already cross fingers for all participants of our DX lottery. Stay tuned!

3Y0I News 4 November 2019

After a short and solid in-team discussion we decided that all donors, who supported our first attempt to Bouvet in March 2019 with U$199 and more, will take part in a similar lottery as we've announced recently in terms of the 2nd Bouvet's attempt. We simply feel we should honor all of our supporters who qualify to enter the lottery.

So, each donor who donated at least 199 USD and more until March 2019 is able to win a FREE 10 days vacation + sailing trip on our own Rebel Catamaran with a Captain and crew among the Fiji islands. The rules are simple and the same as the current lottery for supporters of the 2nd Bouvet attempt. We will choose 3 donors + 1 accompanying person each, that is 6 people in total. Dates are to be arranged with participants once chosen. The prize include 10 days vacation and/or sailing trip around some amazing Fiji islands (Prize do not include participants insurances, airfares from/to home destinations and food.This can be arrange by our crew on request) The entire process of the prize drawing and the winners' announcements will be live-streamed online. The prize draw will take place in approx. 2 weeks and will be announced a couple of days earlier.

Stay tuned and already crossing fingers for the winners

It’s time to share some important information on our further plans of the 3YØI DXpedition to Bouvet Island with our ham radio supporters and other followers around the world.

As you probably know, our first attempt to reach the island of Bouvet in March 2019 failed. Despite complex preparations and training received in Cape Town, South Africa, our vessel got hit by a big storm so badly that we had no choice but to sail back to Cape Town to reshuffle our plans. We were so close – just 63 nautical miles offshore Bouvet Island!

The 1st attempt took yet another toll. Although we couldn’t activate the #2 Most Wanted DXCC at that time, we had to cover all costs involved, of course. Since it’s been a privately funded venture from the very beginning, we spent as much as U$ 225.000 from our personal funds so far. Only 9% of our DXpedition budged got covered by donations, so the final impact on our private monies is huge. Fortunately, we don’t give things up easily.

The 2nd attempt under planning

We estimate that the second attempt would be around U$ 170.000 in total. It’s less than our initial budget as we have collected a lot of important equipment already + went under necessary extra-paid training + secured many things logistically, too. Is that much if compared to other top DXCC expeditions’ budgets? Not at all! Moreover, we have already secured half of the required budget to go back to Bouvet. But after the last aftermath and considering the next suitable time-frames with safe weather conditions at far South Atlantic Ocean, we’re simply unable to repair our budget with personal funding this fast. We face a risk to postpone the expedition, unfortunately. Yes, we did our best to make it happen last March. Yes, we’re still up to take a second chance. But this time it may only take place if we receive financial support to cover at least half of the missing budget, which is U$ 85.000, to make 3YØI coming true. And here’s how you can…

Help us to make 3YØI happen

Keeping in mind transparency of our project since the very beginning, we decided to go yet further with game-changing rules to fund amateur radio expeditions. Why do we call that the "game-changer”? We would like to ask the ham radio community to help to fund our project via the GoFundMe.com fundraising platform. All funds sent over there to support the 3YØI by donors would automatically be displayed and be instantly available for a public review. No more misty and semi-transparent foundation policies, hidden agendas, complicated foundation procedures and waiting for months for clarifications to learn (or rather guess?) what happened to the collected monies.

To make things even more clear, in case we don’t reach the absolute minimum sum required (U$ 85.000), and we couldn’t continue with our plans to activate the Most Wanted DXCC #2 any time soon, all collected funds would immediately be returned to donors by GoFundMe.com, leaving our hands clear with no need to explain ourselves what happened to the money and what we would do next.

Our intentions are clear: if we don’t reach our fundraising goal, we won’t receive nor spend a single cent you donate and it would be returned to your GoFundMe account for withdrawal or to support any other GoFundMe project of your choice.
To make the fundraising more attractive, once we reach the required minimum of U$ 85k, we will give donors a chance to win something special:

  • each donor supporting U$ 200 or more will qualify to enter a (life video stream) lottery in which 3 individuals (+1 accompanying person each) will win a 10-days sailing trip around Fiji islands for you on our Rebel catamaran with our captain and crew members. In addition, all donors who donated U$ 199 and more for our 1st attempt in March, will also enter the lottery.
  • and each donor supporting us with U$ 500 or more, will qualify to enter a (life video stream) lottery to win a free expedition trip for 3 individuals with Rebels to remote places around Pacific (dates and DXCC TBA).
  • Additionally, each donor supporting U$ 25 will qualify to get a free QSL card from 3YØI. And there’s something else… Each supporter donating to 3YØI expedition U$ 1000 or more, will get a privilege to get a satellite call from the Team while at Bouvet, a signature souvenir from the island and access to special limited photo/video archive taken during the entire expedition.

The voting and winners would be selected and announced online during a video live stream (transparency!). Again, the lottery will be organized only if we reach the required minimum of the announced missing budget and the 3YØI expedition takes place. Clear? Clear!

The gloomy future of South Atlantic expeditions

The future of amateur radio expeditions, especially in terms of activating entities placed across cold high latitude seas, isn’t bright. Apart from the uncertainty of future Solar cycles’ strength that may badly reflect radio propagations, there are still very few of us who realize that visiting remote cold islands may become very seldom or even almost impossible. And we can only blame ourselves, humans, unfortunately. Global climate change’s impact is getting worse. It’s currently more and more pronounces in the higher latitudes where the changes occur faster than anywhere else. Ice caps and glaciers meltdown causes there will be more and more sweet waters getting into the oceans. That will impact all sea and wind currents there in the first place. They start to shift quickly and weather conditions will become more and more unpredictable and violent. Additionally, the changes will produce an enormous amount of ice pack and icebergs, reaching even middle latitudes putting sea travelers in threat. We’re all, unfortunately, living witnesses of the change coming and it’s very possible that visiting those places by hams may become too risky and too expensive.

Today, each visit to those dangerous places, including amateur radio expeditions, is hard to overvalue. Visitors have a unique chance to document climate change impacts and to collect important data for scientists. Since we‘ve been in touch with the Norwegian Polar Institute (which is in charge of monitoring and protecting Bouvet island) from the very beginning of our project, all information we would collect at the island will go under scientific supervision and inspection by the institute. That’s how we could pay off for permission to visit and activate the island for you, dear Ham and…

Here’s how you can help, too!

So now you probably understand more we’re are so much committed to the 3YØI project! Yet, we’re so much aware why Bouvet ranks #2 today – we all felt that when we got beaten by huge waves and seasickness at South Atlantic Ocean on route to Bouvet. It’s not only our dream to land at Bouvet in time. There are so many hams dreaming of putting at least 1 QSO with the island into their logs and we will try to do our best to make it happen. So if you feel the 3YØI DXpedition is worth of our 2nd try and to receive your financial support, proceed to our GoFundMe page and donate now:


It’s as easy as a piece of cake and you don’t need to have any PayPal account to do so. And don’t forget to follow us at Facebook, Twitter and to share this news with your radio friends, please!


History of first attempt:

3YØI Press Release #9
April 2, 2019 @ 20:20 UTC


As previously announced, enclosing the official letter issued by Mr. Anthony Burke at MV Atlantic Tuna of Global Maritime Management Co. Ltd. addressed to the ham radio community addressing events occurred during the 3YØI amateur radio expedition to Bouvet Island in March 2019.

3Y0I Bouvet Island Anthony Burke MV Atlantic Tuna Ltr part 1

3Y0I Bouvet Island Letter from captain MV Antlantic Tuna Part 2

73 de Stan SP8S
The 3YØI Press Officer

copyright by Stan Strzyżewski SP8S @:

Rebel DX Group

3YØI Press Release #8
April 2, 2019 @ 15:15 UTC


3Y0I Bouvet Island DX Pedition Back to Cape Town

The entire 3YØI Team, and the crew of MV Atlantic Tuna, after an exceptionally difficult, demanding and unlucky attempt to reach Bouvet island, docked to Cape Town's shipyard around 15:00 UTC, 2 April 2019.

The expedition is set for another attempt, which time-frames and details will be announced later this month.

A special report on the 3YØI DXpedition to be published soon. Stay Tuned.

73 de Stan SP8S
The 3YØI Press Officer

73 de Stan SP8S
The 3YØI Press Officer

3YØI Press Release #6
March 28, 2019 @21:30 UTC


3Y0I Bouvet Island DX Pedition To be continued

This time, good news coming from MV Atlantic Tuna. In a satellite conversation with Dom 3Z9DX, I’ve learnt important information on 3YØI follow up.
The seas are calm now, ironically almost flat. After taking a "u-turn”, the vessel continues sailing back to Cape Town. They sail as fast as ~10 knots/h, which means they could reach South Africa’s coast in approx. 4 days.
Dom unveiled some more details on the storm which forced the Team to go back. The vessels anemometer cracked and stopped operating and its last recorded speed reached 83kn/h. But once other instruments have been checked, they discovered a yet surprising fact. Actually, the wind reached a speed of 170km/h (~92kn/h or 106mil/h) and that means they faced a hurricane of Category 2.
Once they reach Cape Town and go through a detailed technical inspection of the vessel, there will be a special official statement issued to the ham radio community by the captain of MV Atlantic Tuna with further information on:
• a detailed explanation of the situation encountered at South Atlantic nearby Bouvet Island and reasons for the decisions taken,
• procedures applied during the recent issues encountered near Bouvet Island,
• reported damages of the vessel and their results,
• information how the team coped with the extreme situation encountered at the vessel,
• estimation of necessary repairs’ deadlines.
Once all the above information is received and analyzed, the 3YØI Team Leader, Dom 3Z9DX, will decide when and how the DXpedition will take place again. Repeat: we’re definitely talking about rescheduling the expedition to the nearest possible and reliable term, not aborting or suspending our plans.
Sailing calmer waters doesn’t mean the Team and the Tuna’s Crew get bored. Earlier today, they all went through a fire-fighting drill. They could verify skills gained during the professional course we all took in Cape Town last December. A very good lesson has been learnt, and yet a new on-the-sea experience gained!
They also managed to install a provisory /mm antenna and they have been quite active on 17 and 20m bands with good signals across Europe, South and North America and... Hawaii (59+20!). That all means that despite the current solar minimum, a good propagation is still there.

And now imagine a strength of potential signals sent out from neighbouring Bouvet Island today with much better antennas and PAs!
The SPOT tracker is back online and will update Tuna’s current location at least once a day. You can track the vessel here.
Wish to follow the story of one of the most adventurous and fascinating ham radio expedition in history? Stay tuned (Tuna’ed? ;-) for fresh news coming soon once the Team gets closer to South Africa’s coastline. And don’t forget to subscribe to our social media feeds listed below. Ahoy!

73 de Stan SP8S
The 3YØI Press Officer

copyright by Stan Strzyżewski SP8S @:

Rebel DX Group

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