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Главная » 2019 » Ноябрь » 4 » 3Y0I Bouvet Island DXpedition news - preparations resumed
3Y0I Bouvet Island DXpedition news - preparations resumed

Excerpts from an announcement on the 3Y0I Bouvet Island Web page, under "NEWS", reports the following interesting facts and details of the second attempt to go to Bouvet Island:

"The 1st attempt took yet another toll".... "we had to cover all costs
involved"... "it’s been a privately funded venture from the very beginning, we spent as much as 225.000 USDs from our personal funds so far. Only 9% of our DXpedition budget got covered by donations, so the final impact on our private monies is huge".

"We estimate that the second attempt would be around 170.000 USDs in
total. It’s less than our initial budget as we have collected a lot of important equipment already + went under necessary extra-paid training + secured many things logistically, too".... "we have already secured half of the required budget to go back to Bouvet. 
But after the last aftermath and considering the next suitable time-frames with safe weather conditions at far South Atlantic Ocean, we’re simply
unable to repair our budget with personal funding this fast. 
We face a risk to postpone the expedition, unfortunately. Yes, we did our
best to make it happen last March. Yes, we’re still up to take a second chance. But this time it may only take place if we receive financial support to cover at least half of the missing budget, which is 85.000 USDs, to make 3Y0I coming true. And here’s how you can..."

"To make the fundraising more attractive, once we reach the required
minimum of 85k USDs, we will give donors a chance to win something
special". They list three things on their Web page.

The 3Y0I team now has a "GoFundMe" page to donate at:
It also contains details and pictures of the Bouvet project.

Read the complete press release (long) for more details at:

For more details and updates on the Bouvet Island DXpedition, watch the following Web page and Media sites at: 
This is the main site where you can find more details on the project and news: https://bouvetoya.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Bouvetoyaorg/bouvetoya.org

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