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Personal site of the amateur radio operator UR3LTD Сервер радиолюбителей России - схемы, документация,
 соревнования, дипломы, программы, форумы и многое другое! Web site UR7QM
Архив записей

Дни рождения радиолюбителей на 31 января

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Просмотров: 178 | Добавил: Admin1958 | Дата: 31.01.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Norway's NRRL has announced it is supporting the Dxpedition 3Y0J to Bouvet Island (Bouvetøya) in November 2022

A translation of the post reads:

Following an application from 3Y0J, NRRL's Executive Board has decided to financially support DXpedisjonen 3Y0J to Bouvetøya in November 2022. 20.000.

In connection with the decision to support the DX, the NRRL's Executive Board states: "This high-profile DX commission is of great interest to radio amateurs around the world. The DXpedition is suffered by Norwegian radio amateurs and takes place from the Norwegian subantarctic area with a Norwegian call sign. The Executive Boa ... Читать дальше »

Просмотров: 302 | Добавил: Admin1958 | Дата: 31.01.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Просмотров: 185 | Добавил: Admin1958 | Дата: 31.01.2022 | Комментарии (0)

The very first Svalbard QO-100 Satellite DX-Pedition will take place April 22-24, 2022 from Kapp Linné – Isfjord Radio at 78° North.

They will operate two QO-100 satellite stations under the callsigns JW0W and JW100QO, while JW0X will be used by another team for contacts on shortwave.

With QO-100 only 3° above the horizon, Kap Linné was the only suitable place in the area with Svalbard at the edge of the satellite footprint. Looking for a suitable location to stay and getting there, is one of the biggest challenges and cost drivers for the team.

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Просмотров: 160 | Добавил: Admin1958 | Дата: 31.01.2022 | Комментарии (0)

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) and amateur radio have a lot in common; both utilise the magic of radio. For the last 90 years this magic has informed, entertained, saved lives and brought people together.  Our world is a smaller place thanks to the magic of radio.

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Просмотров: 184 | Добавил: Admin1958 | Дата: 31.01.2022 | Комментарии (0)

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